
n. 加温,暖和;气温升高


Last one was a global warming denier.>>完整场景
(SOME IDEAS, NOT IN ORDER) Competitors warming up (wall front stretch, very high; one guy kicking another in the head – tap, tap, tap; two man routine practicing – another one jumps in?; two beautiful girls sparring; crowd assembling; group of kids waiting – call comes over public address system, they run off; stand outside selling high tech equipment; different styles of fighter's clothes – camo, stars & stripes, "headhunter"; stern 9 year old girl doing kata; two toddlers barely seen through their safety equipment fighting furiously; two twins doing identical kata; breaking; etc.) ANGLE ON DREW AND KWAN Walk into the area – Drew is dressed in the ill-fitting handmade suit by Mrs. Rodriguez. People recognize him as he walks past.>>完整场景
July wondered if perhaps the sleep of death would be as good, as comforting and warming, as his boyhood slumber. He had a rifle and a pistol—one pull of the trigger would bring him all the sleep he wanted. In his five years as a lawman he had never shot anyone, though he had a reputation as a dangerous fighter. It would be a joke on everyone if the only person he ever killed was himself. He had always assumed that people who killed themselves were cowards. His own uncle had done it in a painful way, by drinking lye.. His uncle had been deep in debt.>>完整场景
Soon the skies above the river got wider and wider as the river wound out of the trees and cut through the plains. The nights were cool, the mornings warming quickly, so that when Elmira woke the river behind her would be covered with a frosting of mist, and the boat would be lost in the mist completely, until the sun could break through. Several times ducks and geese, taking off in the mist, almost flew into her as she stood at the rear of the boat wrapped in the buffalo robe.When the mist was heavy the splash of birds or the jumping of fish startled her; once she was frightened by the heavy beat of wings as one of the huge gray cranes flew low over the boat. As the mist thinned she would see the cranes standing solemnly in the shallows, ignoring the strings of ducks that swam nearby. Pockets of mist would linger on the water for an hour or more after the sun had risen and the sky turned a clear blue.>>完整场景
WINSTON CHURCHILL (CONT'D) Our Monarch basks in the warming rays of a celestial orb. Her name is Wally.>>完整场景
MARK's fingers dance easily on the keyboard---like a Juilliard pianist warming up.>>完整场景
Harold, I think there's a concept you better start warming up to.>>完整场景
Sensors detect mammals warming.>>完整场景
While the teams are warming up, we'd like to remind you... that all proceeds from the refreshment stands... go to your student government.>>完整场景
Certainly we're not gonna get rid of it in the time that we need to arrest global warming and reverse the toxification of our air, our food and our water.>>完整场景
And I want to get into my apartment and go to work. Please, what do you say, another cup of coffee? Two pots are warming behind the counter, he reaches over and refills her cup and his. Pushes a container and pitcher to- wards her. YOUNG MAN (cont'd) I see you use lots of sugar and cream. Me, too... They smile at each other, fix up their coffee. EXT. PARRISH COMMUNICATIONS, NEW YORK CITY - DAY A magnificent granite building, a monument to good taste in the midtown sea of glass and aluminum. INT. OUTER LOBBY, PARRISH COMMUNICATIONS - DAY Parrish and Drew enter, no particular fanfare but an aware- ness the 'Chief' has arrived, everyone giving Parrish the appropriate wide berth, Drew right beside him.>>完整场景