
n. 头巾;兜帽;覆盖


l preferred you when you were just a common Mafia hood.>>完整场景
There is knock on the door. NERI rises, looks at MICHAEL, who nods. NERI opens the door, and MOE GREENE enters, followed by TWO BODYGUARDS. He is a handsome hood, dressed in the Hollywood style. His BODYGUARDS are more West Coast style.>>完整场景
By luck, the same day, Call saw a buggy for sale. It was old but it looked sturdy enough, and he bought it. The next day he had the coffin covered in canvas and lashed to the seat. The buggy hood was in tatters, so he tore it off. Greasy, the mule, was used to pulling the wagon and hardly noticed the buggy, it was so light. They left Miles City on a morning when it had turned unseasonably cold—so cold that the sun only cast a pale light through the frigid clouds. Call knew it was dangerous to go off with only two animals, but he felt like taking his chances.>>完整场景
What was that all about? - - Grant now turns and watches as, ahead of them, the "DANGER!" sign SMACKS down on the hood of the first Explorer. The entire fence is coming down, the posts collapsing, the cables SNAPPING as - - - - the T-rex chews its way through the barrier.>>完整场景
“Jordan Belfort, a twisted version of Robin Hood who takes from the rich and gives to himself and hismerry band of brokers”.>>完整场景
Texaco Service Man opens hood and checks dipstick.>>完整场景
You must have had a fun child- hood.>>完整场景
He vaults the hood and smashes through the debris of the wall.>>完整场景
Terminator, leaping from the roof of the blazing car ahead, impacts on the hood of Reese's car. His hair and coat are burning.>>完整场景
ANGLE ON REESE AND SARAH behind the car door as flames roar over the hood.>>完整场景
Whips around a corner. Leaps the hood of a parked car in the cross alley.>>完整场景
Comes with a leather hood.>>完整场景
INT. A CELL, IN THE BOWELS OF THE BASTILLE The guards remove the hood, and Phillippe sees the cell.>>完整场景
INT. BASTILLE - NIGHT Phillippe, his head covered in a burlap hood, is rushed through the twisting stairways of the prison.>>完整场景
Steps out. Around sixty. Her face shows the lines of a life of hard work and mother hood. A good woman.>>完整场景
Instead of getting out of the way, THE BAT-MAN VAULTS OVER THE HOOD as the SUV crushes the motorcycle. HE SMASHES feet first through the windshield, DRIVING both SPIKED BOOTS into the driver's face.>>完整场景
Its windows are tinted opaque. Heavy, steel bumper modifications have been welded to the chassis. The hood has been chopped back to make room for the super-charged school bus engine that powers it.>>完整场景
Hey there garage boy! Want to look under my hood, check my fluid levels.>>完整场景
CU the back of a head wearing a yellow rainslicker hood, framed by the red umbrella above it, which water cascades down and beats a rhythm against.>>完整场景
But my Robin Hood days were short-lived.>>完整场景
A driving point-of-view approaching Chigurh, who leans against his Ramcharger, its hood up, stopped on the shoulder on the opposite side of the road.>>完整场景
And so at day's end the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa had been desegregated and students Jimmy Hood and Vivian Malone had been signed up for summer classes.>>完整场景
(yells) Momma, look out! The woman in the flowery dress turns. Her hand rests on her stomach. WE SEE SHE IS PREGNANT. Playbills stick to the windshield obstructing the view. Lynn slams the brakes... Too late. THE WOMAN SMASHES INTO THE FRONT GRILL OF THE CAR... HER TERROR- STRICKEN FACE COMES OVER THE HOOD AND CRASHES RIGHT THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD IN A SHOWER OF BLOOD AND GLASS... COLE SCREAMS. LYNN SCREAMS... THE CAR SCREECHES TO A STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF A CONGESTED INTERSECTION. The line of cars behind them suddenly hit their brakes and swerve to one side avoiding a mass collision. After a few seconds, the entire intersection has come to a halt. Cole who has shut his eyes... slowly opens them. He looks around fearfully. His eyes move to the windshield. No broken glass. No blood. And no woman. Cole looks out through the pristine windshield onto the street where cars are stopped and staring all around them.Cole slowly looks over to his mother. He finds her staring at him in complete and utter disbelief. Her hands clutch the wheel. The whites of her knuckles showing her fear. She has no idea why he screamed.>>完整场景