
adv. 较少地;较小地;更小地


makes it a little less tedious... Bye now!>>完整场景
You're selling ratings for fee's a ratings shop you could afford to make less, make less.>>完整场景
l was no less honourable.>>完整场景
Please, do we have to talk about the war at the table? On Christmas, much less.>>完整场景
He won't take a dime less than three hundred dollars.>>完整场景
Of course, if my information as to your gains is incorrect, I'll dip my beak just a little. Just a little, but no less than one hundred dollars, and don't try to deceive me, eh paisan?>>完整场景
Maybe less...>>完整场景
As MICHAEL describes her, VITELLI laughed less and less, until he wears a scowl.>>完整场景
Do you remember when I said that this division would be less embarrassing for us?>>完整场景
If a person inner less, then he will use more external to replace.>>完整场景
More or less.>>完整场景
With that contraption, l work less, and that's fine with me.>>完整场景
You know, the other day I was, uh, calculating the... I was working out that we've spent less than 30 days a year together for the last eight years.>>完整场景
If it's less than that, we should be fine to go via the hotel.>>完整场景
Well, you want to be informed about the murder? - No - Some people tried to kill me ! I told you about the murder of Attempted murder This is not your specialty - No, it's become less of a murder - Also, if made more than just room service It's very serious So have you exceed on an officer, police - It was an accident - ! The policeman said that you attacked him ...With all due respect, sir ...I think that to talk with ! With someone other than Italy Embassies, or Interpol? - Interpol? - ! I am a U.S. citizen What does this mean? - I do not know - But I was involved in something here and without insult This is not a local command And the thing you think you involved in?>>完整场景
A ticket to Chinatown costs less than six dollars.>>完整场景
ANGLE ON GAO ON THE POLES He is less sure, but at least he doesn't fall.>>完整场景
A year and a half, more or less.>>完整场景
INIGO (CONT'D) Buttercup is marrying Humperdinck in a little less than half an hour, so all we have to do is get in, break up the wedding, steal the Princess, make our escape after I kill Count Rugen.>>完整场景
You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is "Never get involved in a land war in Asia." But only slightly less well known is this: "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.">>完整场景
THE MAN IN BLACK feet from the top now, maybe less -- maybe only 50 -- and his pace is as dazzling as before, and>>完整场景
THE MAN IN BLACK less than a hundred feet behind them. And gaining.>>完整场景
Crossing the green Nueces, he remembered the snakes and the Irish boy. He knew he ought to go by and find the widow Spettle to tell her she had one less son, but decided the bad news could wait. It had already waited a year, unless she had gotten it from one of the returning cowhands.>>完整场景
Call knew he could never drag the coffin all the way to Austin—he himself would be lucky to get across the bleached, waterless land to the Colorado or the San Saba. On the other hand he had no intention of leaving Gus, now that he had brought him so far. He broke open the coffin and rewrapped his friend’s remains in the tarp he had been using for a bed cover on wet nights—there were few of those to worry about. Then he lashed the bundle to Gus’s sign, itself well weathered, with most of the lettering worn off. He cut down a small salt-cedar and made a crude axle, fixing the sign between the two buggy wheels. It was more travois than buggy, but it moved. He felt his wound a trifle less every day, though he knew it had been a small-bore bullet that hit him. A larger bore and he would be down and probably dead.>>完整场景
Yet May wore on and June approached, and still he had not gone. The snows had melted, all down the plains, he imagined, and yet something held him. It wasn’t work. There were plenty of men to do the work—they had even had to turn away three or four men who came looking to hire on. Many times Call spent much of the afternoon watching Newt work with the new batch of horses they had bought on a recent trip to the fort. It was work he himself had never been particularly good at—he had always lacked the patience. He let the boy alone and never made suggestions. He liked to watch the boy with the horses; it had become a keen pleasure. If a cowboy came over and tried to talk to him while he was watching he usually simply ignored the man until he went away. He wanted to watch the boy and not be bothered. It could only be for a few days, he knew. It was a long piece to Texas and back. Sometimes he wondered if he would even come back. The ranch was started, and the dangers so far had been less than he feared. He felt sometimes that he had no more to do. He felt much older than anyone he knew. Gus had seemed young even when he was dying, and yet Call felt old. His interest in work had not returned. It was only when he was watching the boy with the horses that he felt himself.>>完整场景