
adj. 相符的


“There was a woman here during that fight, I recollect,” he said. “I guess she took off so fast she left her button box.” There were all sizes of buttons—it gave Augustus an idea. He had a pack of cards in his saddlebags, which he quickly produced. “Let’s play a few hands,” he said. “The buttons can be our money.” He spread a blanket near the fireplace and sorted the buttons into piles according to size. There were some large horn buttons that must have been meant for coats.>>完整场景
Not according to our focus groups.>>完整场景
See, Mr. Turner, that rocket fell for about 14 seconds, which means... that it flew to an altitude of 3,000 feet... according to the equation... "S" equals one-half"A" "T" squared... where "S'is the altitude, A'is the gravity constant... or 32... and "T" is the time it took for that rocket to come back down.>>完整场景
[Dishes Clattering] [Jake] All I'm saying, John, is the cutoff was not done proper according to contract.>>完整场景
shoot-abaku according aba!>>完整场景
He's much maligned. By the Jews, according to Wallis. And she's very clever about politics.>>完整场景
- [ Students Laughing ] - [ Bell Rings ] Did you hear him ? "In a style according to their stature and position." "I am a great doctor !>>完整场景
You will use every minute, hour and day according to this.>>完整场景
Not one call to his parents saying he was coming home. Not one call to a friend saying can you pick me up at the airport. He was asleep in his bed at midnight, and according to you he was getting on a plane in six hours, yet everything he owned was hanging neatly in his closet and folded neatly in his footlocker. You were leaving for one day and you packed a bag and made three phone calls. Santiago was leaving for the rest of his life, and he hadn't called a soul and he hadn't packed a thing.>>完整场景
Not according to them.>>完整场景
There's this psychological mechanism according to which... serial-killers do all they can to get found out.>>完整场景
According to your colleague... I should say, emphatically, according to your colleague... not in any way your fault.>>完整场景
Our Father, who gives us obedient and respectful clients... who obey the rules according to which our business thrives- ...whose prevarications and deceptions- In my despair I fathered madmen... who dress like factory workers, but never do manual labor... and who read nonsense and spout pompous bullshit... about Algerians and who love nothing... not Algerians or French... or flesh and blood, or anything living.>>完整场景
The Israeli army, according to every newspaper on Earth.>>完整场景
And, according to these reports, all Arab terrorists... have died by German gunfire.>>完整场景
(to Oveur) Ah, Clarence, according to my calculations, with this tailwind we ought to be able to make up an additional fifteen minutes over the Rockies.>>完整场景
D'ARTAGNAN But I deployed the Royal Guards according to your previous -->>完整场景
She acts only according to her instinct.>>完整场景
But you see, according to the U.S.D.A, this is unsanitary because it's open to the air.>>完整场景
which according to analysts has been in financial trouble.... Millennium is an excellent magazine.>>完整场景
(refers to his notes) I'll see you in Hell before I see you in Reno. Those were the words you used, Mr. Dufresne, according to the testimony of your neighbors.>>完整场景
All you got to do is... [Alinsky] With the help of a big map of Chicago, with all the branches of the cafeteria marked on it, I split my recruits up into squads according to territory.>>完整场景
He will be tried according to our law.>>完整场景
- Not according to Craig.>>完整场景
The principal holds up a chart with a designations according to I.Q. and points to the center of the graph, labeled "Normal." A red line below the normal area is labeled "State Acceptance." The principal points to the section below the acceptance line labeled "Below.">>完整场景