
adv. 突然地;唐突地


INT. ROME POST OFFICE --DAY We FOLLOW the little package as it drifts along on the tide of thousands of other letters and packages, passing through chutes and sorters, until it reaches another conveyor -- -- where it abruptly STOPS. The conveyor belt is turnedoff; the hum of machinery goes silent. The postal workersleave their stations. The lights are switched off and the package sits there on the conveyor belt, waiting.>>完整场景
Lt. Vasquez:

Everyone, hang on! The shock wave hits Outlaw 2-5, causing it to spin out of control. Volker is seen being pulled out of the chopper due to the G-forces caused by the spin. The helicopter crashes. Jackson's vision immediately blacks out upon impact.  We abruptly cut to The satellite tracking Sgt. Paul Jackson, which labels him as K.I.A. as a result of the nuclear detonation in the Middle East. As Nikolai contacts Captain Price from Hamburg, Germany, a safehouse in Azerbaijan is analyzed as the SAS team prepares to move in and capture Al-Asad.
Please. My momma's sicker'n he is. Easter looks up and sees Joe. She abruptly becomes still, eyes wide, as if sudden recognition.>>完整场景
Oh, I wouldn't tell them anything, Bill. You'll ruin the good start we had last night. I felt as if I were being treated like a person. 'Joe' this and 'Joe' that - a nice smile - Quince passed me the rolls -- no 'rapture' or 'passion' or any of those mighty things you seem so intent on imparting, but I am cer- tain, should you - uh - say - uh - who I am - our adventure would end abruptly.Parrish regards Joe, the tie is a sorry mess now, a batwing of silk stretching across his collarbone. JOE (cont'd) But I did so enjoy your family. Parrish is startled, he regards Joe carefully.>>完整场景
You never know. Lightning could strike. Susan at the door now, pauses abruptly, her eyes on the Young Man. EXT. CORINTH COFFEE SHOP, YORK AVENUE - DAY The Young Man holds the door for Susan as they step out onto the street. Susan is staring at him now, he smiles, all open and vulnerable.>>完整场景