
vi. 停止;踌躇,犹豫;立定


9 EXT. HARLEY STREET - NEW DAY 9 TRACKING SHOT - rain splatters on brass plaques denoting Dr This or Dr That, specialists in various maladies. Halt at a plaque that reads: LIONEL LOGUE, SPEECH SPECIALIST.
>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
Company, halt!
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20. The tilted salt filters halt alternately for altering.
20. 倾斜的盐过滤器交替地停下以便改造。
>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
Guard, halt! Guard, halt! There they are, the mysterious Moors where no one dares to venture for fear of the magical creatures that lurk within.
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The Allied advance began to come to a halt.
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Kat! Kat! PROTAGONIST (CONT'D) In the back, Kat swings her bound legs around – – The LOGJAM of cars and buses LOOMS CLOSER... The Protagonist OPENS the Audi door, but his own door hits it and SLAMS IT CLOSED AGAIN... – The LOGJAM is DANGEROUSLY CLOSE... The Protagonist OPENS it again, Kat JAMS it open with her feet – the Protagonist CLIMBS ACROSS and PUSHES THE BRAKE WITH HIS HAND... The Audi SKIDS to a halt, the BMW ZOOMING PAST... The Protagonist starts to untie Kat, fumbling with his radio – The BMW SKIDS to a halt, Neil JUMPS OUT – a CAR SKIDS to a halt between the BMW and the Audi – BLAM, BLAM! Neil DUCKS, avoiding GUNFIRE –
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
EYES CLOSED, the young man C*CKS his weapon, chambering a round, POPS it out of the slide, CATCHES it, opens his eyes – this is THE PROTAGONIST... The Passenger nods, ‘okay’. The Driver looks down at a VARIETY OF UNIFORM PATCHES... SIRENS. The Americans shoulder WEAPONS, pull on HELMETS... A UKRAINIAN SWAT VAN SCREECHES to a halt outside the theatre – The Passenger spots its markings – TOSSES the corresponding patches to the Americans, who slap them onto their shoulders.
闭上眼睛,年轻人拿起武器,朝一发子弹上膛,把它从滑梯中弹出,抓住它,睁开眼睛——这是普罗塔戈尼斯。。。乘客点头,“好的”。司机低头看着各式各样的统一补丁。。。汽笛。美国人扛着武器,戴着头盔。。。一辆乌克兰SWAT VAN尖叫着停在剧院外——乘客发现了它的标记——把相应的补丁扔给美国人,美国人把他们拍在肩膀上。
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
Chris cantwell:
"halt & catch fire" Is a show about the reverse engineering Process of the ibm pc.
>> 硅之牛仔Silicon Cowboys Movie Script
137 THE STAMPING MACHINES IN THE PLATE SHOP ARE SHUT DOWN... 137 138 THE LAUNDRY LINE GOES SILENT, GRINDING TO A HALT... 138 139 THE WOOD SHOP MACHINES ARE TURNED OFF, BUZZING TO A STOP... 139 140 THE MOTOR POOL...THE KITCHEN...THE LOADING DOCK...THE EXERCISE 140 thru yard...the numbing routine of prison life itself...all grinds thru 143 TO A STUTTERING HALT. NOBODY MOVES, NOBODY SPEAKS. EVERYBODY 143 just stands in place, listening to the MUSIC, hypnotized.
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The Bride halts her hysteria.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
DART EMBEDS ITSELF IN A WOOD POST. O-Ren's action instantly brings the room's frivolity to a halt. Mistress Ishii silently orders Go Go and Yuki to retrieve the eavesdropper.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
The party comes to a halt as all eyes go to the leader of the Tanaka Crime Family.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
EXT. INTERSECTION Chigurh's pickup has been T-boned by an old crate of a pickup. Both vehicles slide to a halt amid broken glass in the middle of the intersection.
>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
Sheriff Bell skids to a halt and gets out. We hear screams, a child crying.
>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
He goes half the length of the block and then yanks the wheel hard, braking. The pickup smashes a parked car and jacks around to a halt.
>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
Moss strides out into the street. He swings the shotgun up and gives the driver a raised palm to halt.
>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
(yells) Momma, look out! The woman in the flowery dress turns. Her hand rests on her stomach. WE SEE SHE IS PREGNANT. Playbills stick to the windshield obstructing the view. Lynn slams the brakes... Too late. THE WOMAN SMASHES INTO THE FRONT GRILL OF THE CAR... HER TERROR- STRICKEN FACE COMES OVER THE HOOD AND CRASHES RIGHT THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD IN A SHOWER OF BLOOD AND GLASS... COLE SCREAMS. LYNN SCREAMS... THE CAR SCREECHES TO A STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF A CONGESTED INTERSECTION. The line of cars behind them suddenly hit their brakes and swerve to one side avoiding a mass collision. After a few seconds, the entire intersection has come to a halt. Cole who has shut his eyes... slowly opens them. He looks around fearfully. His eyes move to the windshield. No broken glass. No blood. And no woman. Cole looks out through the pristine windshield onto the street where cars are stopped and staring all around them.Cole slowly looks over to his mother. He finds her staring at him in complete and utter disbelief. Her hands clutch the wheel. The whites of her knuckles showing her fear. She has no idea why he screamed.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
Down below, Susan, in a pained reflex, again turns and looks up towards the hill. There is nobody there. She hesitates, now glides away from the party, her step quickens as she walks up towards the hill. Susan halts, in the distance a figure is approaching from over the crest of the hill where Joe and Parrish disappeared. He is heading straight for her, she tries to make him out, seems to recognize him, starts to walk towards him as if pulled by a magnet. Now she stops again. It is a man, he keeps coming, and now that he is close and recognizes him.
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