
n. 吼;咆哮;轰鸣


They say the stench of its breath is like... Imagine, the last thing you know on God's green earth is the roar of the kraken and the reeking odor of a thousand rotting corpses.>>完整场景
EXT. JAPANESE EMBASSY - OAHU - DAY The Honolulu police roar up to the embassy in squad cars, and burst through the doors.>>完整场景
Danny pulls him down, as the Zeros roar overhead.>>完整场景
Their vocal motors roar again... But a man's hand grabs Danny by the straps of his overalls and jerks him from the cockpit.>>完整场景
VIEW ON THE HARBOR AREA Francesca and her twin, Gardner and their elite young friends roar out of the private harbor, to get up on the water skis. We notice ROCCO LAMPONE, move along a path leading to a separate and more private boathouse. A small covered craft approaches, ties off, and a group of three men step on to the pathway, shake hands with Lampone - and follow him to the large boathouse where Michael conducts his business.>>完整场景
EXT. LAKE TAHOE ESTATE - DAY The lawns of this great estate on the shore of Lake Tahoe are covered with guests of a wonderful party to honor the First Holy Communion of Anthony Corleone, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Corleone. A full dance orchestra plays music of the times on a pavilion bandstand built especially for the occasion. Speedboats roar through the water, pulling youthful waterskiers; and the pool and private harbor are filled with laughing, swimming guests. It is Fall of 1958.>>完整场景
His shout is drowned in the roar of a tremendous EXPLOSION, as she switched on the ignition.>>完整场景
Suddenly, he lets out an enormous ROAR, like a bull, and actually, opens the door, and steps out of the car, UNDER fire.>>完整场景
''Vroom, roar ''First, second and third gears ''Dry my tears and leave me cold ''Bureaucratic, gray and old'' You like it?>>完整场景
You are now Shaolin. We welcome you into our ranks as fighting monks... A roar rises from the assembled monks, and fireworks go off all around.>>完整场景
Gongs go off, firecrackers are set off, and a special flag is raised on the flag pole. A roar comes from the crowd outside.>>完整场景
Pea heard the big Henry rifle begin to roar as he dragged the sweating horses into the thickest part of the underbrush. It was thick but low, and he didn’t think there was much chance for the horses. He yanked the saddlebags and bedrolls offboth horses and was hiding them under the bank when Gus stopped firing for a moment.>>完整场景
To the amazement of all who saw it, the bear batted the Texas bull aside. He rose on his hind legs again, dealt the bull a swipe with his forepaw that knocked the bull off its feet. The bull was up in a second and charged the bear again—this time it seemed the bear almost skinned him. He hit the bull on the shoulder and ripped a capelike piece of skin loose on his back, but despite that, the bull managed to drive into the bear and thrust a horn into his flank. The bear roared and dug his teeth into the bull’s neck, but the bull was still moving, and soon bear and bull were rolling over and over in the dust, the bull’s bellows and the bear’s roar so loud that the cattle did panic and begin to run. The Hell Bitch danced backward, and Augustus’s horse began to pitch again and threw him, though Augustus held the rein and managed to get his rifle out of the scabbard before the horse broke free and fled. Then Call found himself thrown too; the Hell Bitch, catlike, had simply doubled out from under him.>>完整场景
“Besides the liquor, I think we’ll require a little respect,” he said. “I’m Captain McCrae and this is Captain Call. If you care to turn around, you can see our pictures when we was younger. Among the things we don’t put up with is dawdlingservice. I’m surprised Willie would hire a surly young idler like you.” The cardplayers were watching the proceedings with interest, but the young bartender was too surprised at having suddenly had his nose broken to say anything at all. He held his towel to his nose, which was still pouring blood. Augustus calmly walked around the bar and got the picture he had referred to, which was propped up by the mirror with three or four others of the same vintage. He laid the picture on the bar, took the glass the young bartender had just polished, slinging it lazily into the air back in the general direction of the cardplayers, and then the roar of the big Colt filled the saloon.>>完整场景
Over the roar of the wind and the running herd he suddenly heard the popping of tree limbs. A second later a mesquite limb hit him in the face and brush tore at him from all sides. He knew they had hit a thicket and assumed it was his end—Mouse faltered and almost went to his knees, but managed to right himself. All Newt could do was duck as low over the horn as possible and hold his arms in front of his face.>>完整场景
No beautiful roar from eight million ants, fighting, cursing, loving.>>完整场景
137B THRUOMITTED: 137C 139EXTHELICOPTER LANDING PADDAY The helicopter rotors whirl to life as the chopper waits on the landing cross. Two Jeeps ROAR up next to it, one driven by GRANT, the other by HAMMOND.>>完整场景
- - which is where the attack comes from. With a ROAR, another raptor comes flashing out of nowhere and pounces on him. The gun BLASTS, but wildly, and the raptor's claw SLASHES through Muldoon's midsection.>>完整场景
A ROAR comes from somewhere within the trees.>>完整场景
Sure enough, they hear a ROAR, the very familiar roar - - - - of Tyrannosaurus rex.>>完整场景
He hears another ROAR GRANT (cont'd) Like about now. C'mon! Hurry up! Like this tree.>>完整场景
91EXT PARK GROUNDNIGHT GRANT, LEX, and TIM make their way through Jurassic Park. Far in the distance, there's another ROAR. Grant hears it, but tries not to show it.>>完整场景
15 EXTHILLTOPDAY Two large, open-top jeeps ROAR down the hilltop away from the landing cross as the helicopter engines WHINE back to life and the rotors start to spin again.>>完整场景
A strange wind seems to be whipping up. Grant and Ellie look around, confused. The wind is getting stronger, blowing dirt and sand everywhere, filling in everything they've dug out, blowing the protective canvasses off. Now there's a more familiar ROAR, and they look up and see it - - - - a huge helicopter, descending on the camp.>>完整场景
The WORKER gets ready to grab the gate when all at once - - A ROAR from the inside the crate, and the panel flies out of his hands and SMACKS into him, knocking him clear off the crate.>>完整场景