
n. 儿子;男性后裔;孩子(对年轻人的称呼)


May the blessing of Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit descend upon you and remain with you forever.>>完整场景
Michael and his young son, Anthony, walk through the grounds of the estate, talking about things we cannot hear.>>完整场景
Let's not spoil this. Go your own way, but when you are ready, come to me the way a son should. I have hopes for you... CLOSE VIEW ON MICHAEL looking at his father with a mixture of great love, and also fear, and confusion.>>完整场景
INT. DON CORLEONE'S OLD STUDY - NIGHT The Don closes the door behind his son, and then moves across the room. He stops at the little bar there, and pours himself a brandy.>>完整场景
My son wants to talk about this, and so we'll talk, but not at the dinner table.>>完整场景
He rises, and reaches up to his son, who is now taller than he; he embraces him.>>完整场景
squinting up at his son.>>完整场景
Crouches down, outside, and calls to her son.>>完整场景
Kay puts her coat on; then stands, and reaches out for her son.>>完整场景
INT. MICHAEL'S HOUSE - DAY The cleaning woman, Esther, who had been with Kay for years, sits by the dining room table, weeping profusely. Behind her, in the recreation room, we can see the tableau of Kay sitting on the couch, her little daughter Mary, between her knees, talking quietly about things we cannot hear. Her son Anthony sits by himself, in another chair by the side of the room.>>完整场景
INT. THE BOATHOUSE - VIEW ON MICHAEL - DAY looking through the window at his son and brother. Neri sits in the room, dressed informally.>>完整场景
HAGEN'S VIEW Fredo is sitting by the edge of the harbor with Michael's son Anthony; he is helping him with some fishing rig.>>完整场景
It wasn't a miscarriage. And you with your cunning, couldn't you figure it out! It was an abortion; an abortion, like our marriage is an abortion, something unholy and evil. I don't want your son; I wouldn't bring another of your sons into this world. An abortion, Michael... it was a son, and I had it killed, but this must all end!>>完整场景
INT. SENATE CAUCUS ROOM - MED. CLOSE VIEW ON MICHAEL - DAY SENATOR KANE (O.S.) Are you the son of Vito Corleone?>>完整场景
It is as though he recognizes that this is the boy; the son of his old enemy, whom he had killed, and whose sons he had tried to wipe out. The old man raises his feeble hands signalling his guard, and in his weak voice, he shouts:>>完整场景
HAGEN'S SON Hey, Dad!>>完整场景
He crosses the lawn, to the house on the beach where Michael and his family live. Is about to knock on the door: HAGEN'S SON Hey, Pop, heads up!>>完整场景
That son of a b*tch!>>完整场景
We can see the outline of many toys on the shelves built along the wall. We see the dark figure of Michael Corleone enter the room and approach the bed where his son Anthony lies curled in messy blankets. Michael quietly arranges his small hands and feet and covers the little boy. Suddenly, Anthony turns, his eyes open. He is staring, perfectly awake, at his father.>>完整场景
CLOSE VIEW ON VITO listening to the song. He reaches out and takes the small hand of his son.>>完整场景
(Sicilian) My son, Carmine...it's all right.>>完整场景
SIG. ABBANDANDO (Sicilian) Vitone. How is your son?>>完整场景
MED. VIEW Michael sits at a large table with Kay, his son Anthony, Mama, Hagen and TERESA, Connie and Merle' Fredo and Deanna, and Frankie Pentangeli.>>完整场景
A little distance away, his beautiful son Anthony sits quietly, in an unmistakably morose mood.>>完整场景
This is our son Anthony Vito Corleone. Today he made his First Holy Communion.>>完整场景