vt. 刺激…,使…兴奋;激起
- Soon all the mares in the corral were pricking their ears and watching the approaching wagon. A big man in a coat heavierthan Cholo’s rode beside it on a little brown horse that looked as if it would drop if it had to carry him much farther. A man with a badly scarred face rode on the wagon seat, beside a woman who was heavy with child. The woman drove the team. All three looked so blank with exhaustion that even the sight of people, after what must have been a long journey, didn’t excite them much. A few buffalo hides were piled in the wagon. Cholo watched the travelers carefully, but they didn’t seem to pose a threat. The woman drew rein and looked down at them as if dazed.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Whiskey,” Jake said. “He was bull drunk. Before I even noticed, he took a dislike to my dress and pulled his Colt.” “Well, I don’t know what took you to Arkansas in the first place, Jake,” Augustus said. “A fancy dresser like yourself is bound to excite comment in them parts.” Call had found, over the years, that it only did to believe half of what Jake said. Jake was not a bald liar, but once he thought over a scrape, his imagination sort of worked on it and shaded it in his own favor.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- What excites you ?>> 心灵点滴 Patch Adams (1998) Movie Script
- I tell you a secret. I sleep with three women at once, not because my appetite is so great, but because now it take three to excite me.>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script