
n. 旗帜,横幅;标语


INT. PRESIDENTIAL PALACE - FULL VIEW ON THE GUESTS - NIGHT seeing in the New Year; a great banner is hoisted up in Spanish, welcoming 1959.>>完整场景
The THREE pass under an enormous banner slung over the main road "VOTA COMMUNISTA".>>完整场景
Something with stirrups and a big banner that says... "Howdy, gyneroos !>>完整场景
22. The manly Roman woman manager by the banner had man's manner.>>完整场景
22. 军旗旁那位有男子气概的古罗马女经理具有男子风度。
POWELL watches as the beetle image shows the older Somali Man cross the room to adjusts A CAMERA ON A TRIPOD. It faces A BLACK Al-Shabaab BANNER hanging on a wall.>>完整场景
And the rocket's red glare The bombs bursting in air Gave proof through the night That our flag was still there Now it catches the gleam Of the morning's first beam in full glory reflected Now shines in the stream And conquer we must When our cause, it is just And this be our motto in God we trust Oh, say, does that Star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free And the home Of the Brave Home of the brave I've gotten so sick and tired of listening to What you've got to say I decided I just got to stand up and say so Sick and tired of being sick and tired of Being sick and tired of being treated this way So I've made my choice, gonna raise my voice and say ''it's time for you to pack up and go'' You know who you are, you lying so-and-so And so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so I know you're lyin', 'cause your lips are moving There's no use tryin' 'Cause you've made him prove it My opinion of you it's time that you should pack up and go I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so I've gotten sick and tired of you stealing my money To pay for jet airplanes and limousines For crying out loud, you think it's funny You and Bubba living above my means At Chappaqua, living like kings and queens I've gotten so sick and tired of listening to What you've got to say I decided I just got to stand up and say so Sick and tired of being sick and tired of Being sick and tired of being treated this way So I've made my choice, gonna raise my voice and say ''it's time for you to pack up and go'' You know who you are, you lying so-and-so And so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so I'm gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so We're gonna stand up and say so So, how will you know when you have become an American?>>完整场景
Forrest walks in the line. A banner reads "Veterans against the War in Vietnam." FORREST (V.O.) Everywhere I went, I had to stand in line.>>完整场景