
vi. 开车;猛击;飞跑


“I’m sure partial to the evening,” Augustus said. “The evening and the morning. If we just didn’t have to have the rest of the dern day I’d be a lot happier.” “If we have a good drag tonight we can start north on Monday,” Call said. “How does that suit you, Jake?” “Oh, fine,” Jake said. “But you boys don’t have to try and suit me with your drive. I’ve been thinking of spending some time in San Antonio.” “That’s a big disappointment,” Augustus said. “It’s a long way to Montany. I was counting on you to keep up the conversation.” “Well, count agin,” Jake said, deciding on the spot that he wouldn’t go.>>完整场景
“Oh, he fancies you,” Augustus said. “But that don’t mean he’ll stay around. My guess is he’ll use the drive as an excuse when the time comes.” “If he goes with it, then I’m going too,” she said.>>完整场景
“Well, I ain’t now, but I might be,” Lippy said. “Business is picking up.” “Pshaw,” Augustus said. “Once we start the drive you’ll be lucky to earn a nickel in a month.” Lorena decided her best out was to pretend to be frightened of Jake’s vengeance, though now that she thought about it she knew Gus was probably right. She had met one or two men who were proven killers, and Jake didn’t have their manner at all.>>完整场景
“Ain’t decided,” Bert said. “Might tie a few jugs to my horse. Jugs are good floats.” “Where would you get a dern jug on a cattle drive?” Jasper asked. “If the Captain was to catch you with a jug, he’d want to know who drank the whiskey out of it.” Jake was tolerant of the cowboys but careful to keep himself a bit apart from them. He never chimed in when they talked about the life they would have on the trail, and he never spoke to Lorena about the fact that the herd would be leaving in ten days. He didn’t work much on the branding, either, though once in a while he spent a night helping them gather more stock. Mostly he let it appear that the drive had nothing to do with him.>>完整场景
She heard the boys speculate that the branding would be done in another week, which meant they were close to starting the drive. The boys were saying they were already late.>>完整场景
Since the Hat Creek outfit had been gathering cattle and getting ready for their drive, games were handier than they had been for a while. Several cowboys drifted into Lonesome Dove, looking for work; some of them had enough snap left at night to wander in and cut the cards. A tall cowboy named Needle Nelson showed up from north of San Antonio, and a cheerful cowboy from Brownsville named Bert Borum.>>完整场景
Call rode on, though with a bad feeling in his throat. It was better that the boys go; there was not enough work for them there. And yet they were the pride of the family. He would take as good care of them as he could, and yet what did that mean, with a drive of twenty-five hundred miles to make?>>完整场景
“I think so,” Dish said. “I’m working for these Hat Creek boys right now. They’re thinking of getting up a drive.” “You mean they hire you to play cards?” Jasper asked. He fancied himself a joker.>>完整场景
“Here’s the plan,” he said. “Pedro won’t bother coming to town, knowing our habits like he does. We’ll pen the prime stock and hide the skinny little rabbits up in some thicket. Then if we don’t like the looks of his army, we can skedaddle and let him drive his own soap factory back home.” Pea Eye felt deeply uneasy about the plan. When the Captain was around, things were done in a more straightforward fashion. Gus was always coming up with something sly. However, Pea’s opinion hadn’t been asked—he watched as Gus and Deets began to cut the herd. Soon Dish Boggett figured out what was happening and rode over to help them. Dish was always a willing hand except when it came to digging wells.>>完整场景
“He’ll find the cattle, and if he can’t find the hands he drive ’em himself,” Augustus said. “And make us help him.” Jake tipped his hat back and said nothing. The blue shoat wandered around the corner of the house and stood there looking at him, which for some reason Jake found peculiarly irritating. Gus and his pig were aggravating company.>>完整场景
“Maybe he won’t find no cattle to drive, or no hands, neither,” he suggested, knowing it was wishful thinking.>>完整场景
AUGUSTUS WAS on the front porch, biding his time, when Wilbarger rode up. Biding his time seemed to him the friendly thing to do, inasmuch as Jake Spoon had ridden a long way and had likely been scared to seek out womankind during his trip. Jake was one of those men who seemed to stay in rut the year round, a great source of annoyance to Call, who was never visibly in rut. Augustus was subject to it, but, as he often said, he wasn’t going to let it drive him like a mute—a low joke that still went over the heads of most of the people who heard it. He enjoyed a root, as he called it, but if conditions weren’t favorable, could make do with whiskey for lengthy spells. It was clear that with Jake just back, conditions wouldn’t be too favorable that afternoon, so he repaired to his jug with the neighborly intention of giving Jake an hour or two to whittle down his need before he followed along and tried to interest him in a card game.>>完整场景
Dish meanwhile was doing some hard thinking. He had meant to leave right after breakfast and ride back to the Matagorda, where he had a sure job. The Hat Creek outfit was hardly known as a trail-driving bunch, but on the other hand Captain Call was not a man to indulge in idle talk. If he was contemplating a drive he would probably make one.>>完整场景
“Well, we might drive it over to Pickles Gap, I guess,” Augustus said. “That ain’t enough work to keep a hand like Dish occupied for the summer.”Call got up and carried his dishes to the washtub. Bolivar wearily got off his stool and picked up the water bucket.>>完整场景
“It would take a hacksaw to cut these eggs,” Call said. “I’ve seen bricks that was softer.” “Well, Bol spilled coffee in them,” Augustus said, “I expect it was hard coffee.” Call finished the rocklike eggs and gave Dish the onceover. He was a lank fellow, loose-built, and a good rider. Five or six more like him and they could make up a herd themselves and drive it north. The idea had been in his mind for a year or more. He had even mentioned it to Augustus, but Augustus merely laughed at him.>>完整场景
There was only one horse hitched outside the Dry Bean when Augustus strolled up—a rangy sorrel that he recognized as belonging to a cowboy named Dishwater Boggett, so named because he had once rushed into camp so thirsty from a dry drive that he wouldn’t wait his turn at the water barrel and had filled up on some dishwater the cook had been about to throw out. Seeing the sorrel gave Augustus a prime feeling because Dish Boggett loved card playing, though he lacked even minimal skills. Of course he also probably lacked ante money, but that didn’t necessarily rule out a game. Dish was a good hand and could always get hired—Augustus didn’t mind playing for futures with such a man.>>完整场景
Two or three months later it happened again with some more friends, and this time Lorena didn’t fight. She was so tired of Mosby and his radish and the smoke pots that she was willing to consider anything different. The mother and the mean sisters wanted to drive her out of the house, and Lorena would have been glad to go, but Mosby threw such a fit that one of the sisters ran off herself to live with an aunt.>>完整场景
And it was probably a 10 minute drive from the church to the house.>>完整场景
You know, my Dad was all about farting and, you know, just... He, uh-- we would drive around in the car-- he's a classic rock fan, and he would always try to fart to the tunes.>>完整场景
You drive all day!>>完整场景
I guess it's all right if we drive up there, isn't it?>>完整场景
- You drive 'em straight down the wharf.>>完整场景
I did a blood drive with Red Cross.>>完整场景
No, no, no. Because you wouldn't let me drive the damn van, - for 5 minutes.>>完整场景
Damn it, drive!>>完整场景