
n. 地铁;地道


He emerges at a subway terminal, proceeds out.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
SUBWAY (WINTER 1945) LUCA BRASI riding alone on a subway car, late at night. He gets off.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
SUBWAY (WINTER 1945) LUCA, in his bulky jacket, sitting quietly on an empty subway train.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
We can get there by subway, can't we?
>> 2024-03 double-sided
How was your first time taking the subway in New York?
>> 2024-02 stunt double 特技替身
Is this your first time taking the subway?
>> 2024-02 stunt double 特技替身
JORDAN (V.O.) * I gave up everyone, and in return * got three years in some hellhole * in Nevada I’d never even heard of. * Like Mad Max’d said, the * chickens’d come home to roost. * Whatever the f*** that means. * 236 INT. FEDERAL COURTROOM - QUEENS - DAY (MAR ‘99) *236 Sentencing. Jordan’s mother is there, tears in her eyes. * NOLAN DRAGER * I hope your Honor would agree that * Mr. Belfort has distinguished * himself in terms of his * cooperation in this white collar * fraud. Mr. Belfort has helped the * government win convictions over * two dozen serious offenders and * helped them recover millions of * dollars to be made available for * restitution to the victims. * HON. RAYMOND SAMITZ * The sentence of the court shall be * 48 months in Federal Prison. * (pause) * Please remand the defendant. * Max rolls his eyes: Jordan’s so guilty it hurts. As * Jordan is led away by GUARDS... * 236A INT. STRATTON OAKMONT - DAY *236A Donnie sits in his office, hears something -- a small * army of FBI AGENTS, led by Agents Denham and Hughes, * arrest half the office: Sea Otter, Robbie, Kimmie, etc.. * As the FBI cleans house, Donnie sits on his couch. * 237 SCENES 237 - 244 OMITTED *237 245 INT. SUBWAY - DAY (MAR ‘99) 245 CLOSE ON DENHAM, reading a New York Times article onJordan’s sentencing. He looks satisfied with his accomplishment, until he looks up and realizes he’s right where Jordan said he’d be: commuting home on the subway, like any other piker.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
AGENT DENHAM: When I’m riding the subway home, sweating my balls off, in a suitI’ve worn three days, sure.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
118. Anyway, the prayer swayed by me always goes away by subway.
>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
All I ride is the subway.
>> 莫负当年情 Beaches Movie Script
He stops to check a map. A train rattles past behind a steel grate separating his tunnel from the subway.
>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script
Did you hear about the drunk who came staggering out of the subway and said, "Man, I got lost in some guy's basement.
>> 硅谷传奇Pirates of Silicon Valley Movie Script
the new poster:
the famous shot from "The Seven Year Itch," on the subway grate with skirt billowing up. Andy sits gazing at her as lights-out commences... 155INT -- RED'S CELL -- NIGHT (1957) 155 ...and we find Red gazing blankly as darkness takes the cellblock. Adding up the months, weeks, days... He regards the harmonica like a man confronted with a Martian artifact. He considers trying it out -- even holds it briefly to his lips, almost embarrassed -- but puts it back in its box untested. And there the harmonica will stay...
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