
n. 行动;活动;功能;情节;战斗


It is sitting in a cafe and talk with a man .. Seems like a messenger You have told me to let you know on the spot ! If there has been nothing unusual Focused the camera on his face Do you think it? - (I think that all they (Pierce - No, thank you It is a gift you can keep them Thank you Here it is, goodbye - Goodbye - Control your it Well grounded ! Time for action Sir, sir we stop police What did I do? - You're under arrest - Talk about everything in the investigation - Case of this woman? - Why am I under arrest on?
>> 致命伴旅 The Tourist (2010) Movie Script
The action is fast and furious.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
CAMERA PULLS BACK TO REVEAL Drew and Gao going at it. The other disciples are paired off as well, but the only real action is here in this ring.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
MONK (CONT'D) At the Shaolin temple, we forge our bodies in the fire of our wills. We adhere to a vow of non-violence, unless someone else is in danger... Follow my movements... He starts moving through a series of techniques, and the rest of the disciples try to mimic his actions. He is moving around the room, and they are trying to do what he is doing.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
In order to keep our bodies strong, Bodhidharma gave us a series of exercises and breathing techniques. Because the times demanded action, we developed Shaolin style wu shu from these exercises.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
Jingjue's actions are to give us an opportunity... So we can save lives.
>> 新少林寺 Shaolin (2011)Movie Script
The actions of one... Today begs for the Buddha's forgiveness.
>> 新少林寺 Shaolin (2011)Movie Script
Don't let your learning lead to knowledge. Let your learning lead to action.
>> 吉米·罗恩(Jim Rohn)
an assumption about a present action: Don't go outside now. It'll be freezing.
>> will 和 be going to 和 will be doing
a present action that will continue: I'll still be editing this video later today.
>> will 和 be going to 和 will be doing
an interrupted future action: The food will be baking in the oven when you get home.
>> will 和 be going to 和 will be doing
will be doing:
an action in progress in the future: In 1 hour I'll be getting my kids ready for bed.
>> will 和 be going to 和 will be doing
We are men of action. Lies do not become us.
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
The two men are almost flying across the rocky terrain, never losing balance, never coming close to stumbling; the battle rages with incredible finesse, first one and then the other gaining the advantage, and by now, it's clear that this isn't just two athletes going at it, it's a lot more that that. This is two legendary swashbucklers and they're in their prime, it's Burt Lancaster in "The Crimson Pirate" battling Errol Flynn in "Robin Hood" and then, incredibly, the action begins going even faster than before as we
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
THE CROWD, as they see the figure. (We haven't yet.) And if there is such a thing as collective action, then this crowd, collectively, holds its breath.
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
I wanna get in on that telemetry action.
>> 火星救援 The Martian (2015) Movie Script
Thanks to the quick action of Commander Lewis... astronauts Beck, Johanssen, Martinez and Vogel... were all able to reach the Mars Ascent Vehicle... and perform an emergency launch
>> 火星救援 The Martian (2015) Movie Script
To the huge astonishment of her girls, Clara walked straight off the porch and into the stranger’s arms. She had a look in her eyes that they had never seen, and she raised her face to the stranger and kissed him right on the mouth, an action so startling and so unexpected that both girls remembered the moment for the rest of their lives.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The winter before she had bought Cholo a buffalo coat, an action which shocked Bob. He had never heard of a married woman buying a Mexican cowboy an expensive coat. Then there was the piano. She had ordered that too, although it cost two hundred dollars and another forty to transport. And yet he had to admit he loved to see his girls sitting at the piano, trying to learn their fingering. And the buffalo coat had saved Cholo’s life when he was trapped in an April blizzard up on the Dismal River, Clara got her way, and her way often turned out to make sense—and yet Bob more and more felt that her way skipped him, somehow. She didn’t neglect him in any way that he could put his finger on, and the girls loved him, but there were many times when he felt left out of the life of his own family. He would never have said that to Clara—he was not good with words, and seldom spoke unless he was spoken to, unless it was about business. Watching his wife, he often felt lonely. Clara seemed to sense it and would usually come and try to be especially nice to him, or to get him laughing at something the girls had done—and yet he still felt lonely, even in their bed.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I wish they’d stick,” he said many times. “If they would, there’d soon be enough of them to beat back the Indians.” “You ain’t never laid in bed all night with a scared woman,” Augustus said. “You can’t start a farm if you’ve got to live in afort. Them that starts the farms have got to settle off by themselves, which means they’re easy to cut off and carve up.” “Well, they could leave the women for a while,” Call said. “Send for them when it’s safe.” “Yes, but a man that goes to the trouble to take a wife don’t generally want to go off and leave her,” Augustus pointed out. “It means doing the chores all by yourself. Besides, without a wife handy you won’t be getting no kids, and kids are a wonderful source of free labor. They’re cheaper than slaves by a damn sight.” They had argued the point for years, but fruitlessly, for Call had no sympathy for human weakness. Augustus put it down to a lack of imagination. Call could never imagine what it was like to be scared. They had been in tight spots, but usually that meant action, and in battles things happened too fast for fear to paralyze the mind of a man like Call. He couldn’t imagine what it was like to go to bed every night scared that you and your family would feel the knives of the Comanches before sunrise.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“There was just four of us boys,” Roscoe said. “Ma died young.” Louisa was watching him, which made him nervous. He remembered that he was supposed to be thinking about the prospect of marrying her while he finished the cornbread, but in fact his appetite was about gone anyway and he was having to choke it down. He began to feel more and more of a grievance against more and more people. The start of it all was Jake Spoon, who had no business coming to Fort Smith in the first place. It seemed to him that a chain of thoughtless actions, on the part of many people he knew, had resulted in his being stuck in a cabin in the wilderness with a difficult widow woman. Jake should have kept his pistol handier, and not resorted to a buffalo gun. Benny Johnson should have been paying attention to his dentistry and not walking around in the street in the middle of the day. July shouldn’t have married Elmira if she was going to run off, and of course Elmira certainly had no business getting on the whiskey boat.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
At that point the farmer, who was wearing a floppy hat, happened to notice Roscoe. Immediately the action stopped, as the farmer looked him over. Roscoe rode a little closer, meaning to introduce himself, when to his great surprise the farmer took off his hat and turned out not to be a he. Instead the fanner was a good-sized woman wearing man’s clothes.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Nothing less was going to make any impression on her—he had never felt so provoked by a single animal before. But he couldn’t shoot her and he couldn’t leave her; the Captain wouldn’t approve of either action. He had already shouted himself hoarse. All he could do was pop her out of thicket after thicket.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Often, in a tight situation, his mind would seem to grow tired from so much hard thinking. He would sink for a time into a blankness, only to come out of it in the midst of an action he had not planned. He was never conscious of the trigger that set him back in motion, but something always pulled it, and he would find himself moving before he was conscious that it was time to move.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Dern it, Charlie, shut up!” Peach said. “He knows that. I don’t think he’s forgot that.” Roscoe had not forgotten it. Overnight it had become the dominant fact of his life. Elmira was gone and he was expected to do something about it. Moreover, his choices were limited. Either he went upriver and tried to find Elmira or he had to go to Texas and look for July. He himself was far from sure that either action was wise..
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇