
n. 行动;活动;功能;情节;战斗


BERTIE (O. S.) "Let's go gathering hearty heather with the gay brigade of grand dragons." 78 INT. LOGUE'S STUDY AND PARLOUR - DAY 78 A wall divides the study from the living area, allowing the action in both spaces to be viewed.>>完整场景
I think that what Dan's doing to try to get Congress to take action, is a good thing.>>完整场景
He wanted government action, even if it meant putting himself and the other shorts out of business.>>完整场景
And they all spring into action. The girls are putting their bras back on, SEAN is wiping down a night table with the palm of his hand to get the coke dust off.>>完整场景
(BEAT) --will result in disciplinary action, including the requirement to withdraw from the College." That's what is says in the handbook.>>完整场景
No, it says I could face legal action.>>完整场景
The letter says we could face legal action.>>完整场景
Lt. Kendrick, the type of disciplinary action, or "training'' as you say -->>完整场景
You use the fishhook action to get inside the mouth.>>完整场景
You can call me old-fashioned, you can call it whatever you want but l just don't think that in war the action should ever be divorced from the consequences.>>完整场景
All right. Firewall code is ''Terror Summit.'' We are upgrading this file from a scenario to a tactical action plan.>>完整场景
this is the lid and the action of taking it off. we say removing. put it to on side.>>完整场景
Now if you could all please join Stan on chapter five: "Individual Action in Society." What are you reading?>>完整场景
Everyone's been trained in high school or college to that you got answer the question. So you can't tell the profession your question is dumb. You'll get a bad grade. You have to answer the quesion. So everyone's basically without knowing they got like a mental strained action on it, that is they are working optimizing the thing that simply should not exist.>>完整场景
We have an immense flurry of action here.>>完整场景
Action Cable uses this approach to communicate between the server and many clients.>>完整场景
We can see something else... 82 INT. MULTIPLEX/THEATER - MINNESOTA - 1996 - DAY 82 A loud, explosive action scene from Broken Arrow with John Travolta and Christian Slater fills the screen.>>完整场景
At least with masturbation, some action has been performed, though, right?>>完整场景
The thing about this tour is... I would like to get laid out of it a couple of times, but... Like, people come up, they kinda slither up during readings or whatever. But it seems like, what I want is not to have to take any action.>>完整场景
- Some kind of action!>>完整场景
295 INT. L.O.H. 295 Circling over the action. Brandt listens to RADIO CHATTER from the Blackhawks. The village is beingdecimated. Brandt's dream come true.>>完整场景
Gordy sees the player about to go one-on-one with thegoalie. He cheers the action loudly, whereupon... Gordy's guard turns to see what's happening, and... Gordy grabs a grenade. Almost gets it into a tool box, when... The player kicks wide, the guard looks back, and... Gordy covers the clattering of the grenade's droppinginto the tool box by picking up a large wrench... But thegrenade's still visible as now... Felix comes around the corner. He's sleepy and hungover.>>完整场景
Gentlemen, what action is being legally recommended to me?!>>完整场景
As the military members of your committee know, we have a points system that takes into account collateral damage to deduce what is, and what is not, a legal strike. And let me tell you, categorically, that the existence of this new circumstance does not push us beyond a legitimate military action. We are way off what we would consider a dispute in this matter.>>完整场景
Angela, I agree we are at risk of being perceived by the press as embarking on a ‘shoot to kill’ policy. But since all the legal criteria are sound - I believe we must allow this military action to continue.>>完整场景