
adj. 有礼貌的,客气的;文雅的;上流的;优雅的


VITO (O.S.) Signore Roberto... He rises to be face to face with a polite Vito Corleone.>>完整场景
The grounds are immaculate and huge, exquisitely kept and beautifully laid out. A gathering is around the pool and lawn area, where TREVOR and his team are having an exhibition for their guests. Polite applause is COMING FROM THE CROWD, ALL WELL-DRESSED AND OBVIOUSLY WELL-HEELED.>>完整场景
Sister, your Nan-nan is growing up to be very polite.>>完整场景
a polite question: Will you be bringing your new boyfriend to the wedding?>>完整场景
What angered her most was Gus’s selfishness in regard to Call’s son. He had been a sweet boy with lonesome eyes, polite.>>完整场景
“Have a taste, July,” she said. “I think I’ve overdone the cinnamon.” July decided she must not have heard his question. He wondered if she were merely trying to be polite. Though he knew he should have been glad she hadn’t heard it, he felt ready to say it again, and was about to when, Clara stopped him with a look.>>完整场景
Now Gus was back, and had instantly captured her girls—that was clear. Betsey and Sally were fascinated, if embarrassed, that this white-haired man had ridden up and kissed their mother.“Where’s Robert?” Augustus asked, to be polite.>>完整场景
“Now, here,” Augustus said. “There’s no excuse for that. The young lady was talking perfectly polite.” “She ain’t a lady, she’s a tart, and I won’t have her interfering with our pleasure,” the gambler said.Augustus stood up and pulled out a chair for Nellie.>>完整场景
“Yes, she’ll know you’re a human being,” Augustus said. “You don’t have to duck your head to nobody. Half the women in this country probably started out like you did, working in saloons.” “She didn’t,” Lorena said. “I bet she was always a lady. That’s why you wanted to marry her.” Augustus chuckled. “A lady can slice your jugular as quick as a Comanche,” he said. “Clara’s got a sharp tongue. She’s tomahawked me many a time in the past.” “I’ll be afraid to meet her, then,” Lorena said. “I’ll be afraid of what she’ll say.” “Oh, she’ll be polite to you,” Augustus assured her. “I’m the one that will have to watch my step.” But no matter what he said, he couldn’t soothe the girl’s agitation. She felt she would lose him, and that was that. She offered her body—it was all she knew to do. Something in the manner of the offer saddened him, though he accepted it.>>完整场景
Deets looked at him. “He’s real polite, that gentleman,” he said. “I guess he thinks he might be dead before you get there.” “Oh, I see—the man don’t want to put nobody out,” Augustus said. “I’ll go anyway. I admire his conversation.” “Change horses,” Call said to Deets, and Deets loped off. He was trying to decide who they ought to take, and finally decided just to take Pea Eye, Deets and the boy. The boy could watch the horses, if there was trouble. It meant leaving the herd, but there was no help for it. There was good grazing and the herd looked peaceful. Dish and the rest of the crew ought to be about to handle it.>>完整场景
“We could get going, even if you ain’t the right cowboy,” Jennie said. “If you can afford that much whiskey you can afford me. You could even buy me a drink if you felt polite.” July had never in his life bought a woman a drink, or even sat with a woman who liked to drink. Any other time such an invitation would have shocked him, but in this case it just made him feel that his manners weren’t all they should be.>>完整场景
“My name is July Johnson,” he said, to be polite, but the woman didn’t appear to hear.>>完整场景
“I didn’t get your name,” Roscoe said, trying to be polite.>>完整场景
“I guess it ain’t, old-timer,” he said. “Rye, or what will it be?” “Rye will do, provided it gets here quick,” Augustus said, straining to be polite.>>完整场景
He had always taken pains to be as nice as possible, sharing all the chores with little Joe and sparing her inconveniences whenever he could. Yet it seemed the more polite he tried to be, the more he stumbled or said the wrong thing or generally upset her. At night it had gotten so he could hardly put a hand on her, she looked at him so coldly. She could lie a foot from him and make him feel that he was miles away. It all made him feel terrible, for he had come to love her more than anything.>>完整场景
Instead, Jake had walked in. Lippy gave a whoop, and Xavier was excited enough that he came out from behind the bar and shook Jake’s hand. Jake was polite and glad to see them, and took the trouble to ask their health and make a few jokes, but even before he had drunk the free drink Xavier offered him he had begun to make a difference in the way she felt. He had big muddy brown eyes and a neat mustache that turned down at the corners, but of course she had seen big eyes and mustaches before. What made the difference was that Jake was so at home and relaxed even after he saw her sitting there. Most men got nervous when they saw her, aware that their wives wouldn’t like them being in the same room with her, or else made nervous by the thought of what they wanted from her, which they couldn’t get without some awkward formalities of a sort that few of them could handle smoothly.>>完整场景
“That old pistolero ain’t very polite,” Jake said. “Where’s he going with that rope?” “I didn’t ask him,” Gus said. He went around to the springhouse, which was empty of rattlesnakes for once. It amused him to think how annoyed Call would be when he came up at noon and found them both drunk. He handed Jake the jug, since he was the guest. Jake uncorked it and took a modest swig.>>完整场景
“Once you left, our standards slipped,” Augustus said. “The majority of this outfit ain’t interested in refinements.” “That’s plain,” Jake said. “There’s a damn pig on the back porch. What about them biscuits?” “Much as I’ve missed you, I ain’t overworking my sourdough just because you and Deets couldn’t manage to get here in time,” Augustus said. “What I will do is fry some meat.” He fried it, and Jake and Deets ate it, while Bolivar sat in the corner and sulked at the thought of two more breakfasts to wash up after. It amused Augustus to watch Jake eat—he was so fastidious about it—but the sight put Call into a black fidget. Jake could spend twenty minutes picking at some eggs and a bit of bacon. It was obvious to Augustus that Call was trying to be polite and let Jake get some food in his belly before he told his story, but Call was not a patient man and had already controlled his urge to get to work longer than was usual. He stood in the door, watching the whitening sky and looking restless enough to bite himself.>>完整场景
If, as he suspected, there had been no Mr. Dobbs, or if he had just been a gentleman who stopped at the rooming house a day or two—they had lived in the rooming house when Maggie was alive—then it might be that Jake Spoon was really his father. Perhaps no one had informed him of it because they thought it more polite to let Jake do so himself when he came back.>>完整场景
By the time Call got his shirt on and came to the table, Augustus was reaching for a second helping. Pea and Newt were casting nervous glances at the pot, hoping for seconds themselves but too polite to grab before everyone had been served. Augustus’s appetite was a kind of natural calamity. Call had watched it with amazement for thirty years and yet it still surprised him to see how much Augustus ate. He didn’t work unless he had to, and yet he could sit down night after night and out-eat three men who had put in a day’s labor.>>完整场景
"You shouldn't do that." Men can do that in the gym or in the locker room or whatever, but women don't do that-- polite ladies don't do that at the dinner table.... - Other than your family.>>完整场景
It's not polite to sneak up on people.>>完整场景
It's everything Grant can do just to be polite. He desperately wants to leave and get back to his dig.>>完整场景
JORDAN (V.O.) This was his other persona -- thesuper polite, ever-gracious Sir Max.>>完整场景
Watching from the sidelines: WINSTON CHURCHILL Erotic sexual techniques beyond polite imagination? I realize of course, that may be outside your personal experience.>>完整场景