
n. 悲哀


(over television) Vice President Ford will be sworn in as President at that hour in this office. As I recall the high hopes for America with which we began this second term, I feel a great sadness that I will not be here in this office... Forrest is playing ping-pong by himself at the gymnasium. An officer steps up to him.>>完整场景
Cole, what's happening to you? Cole looks down and finds his mother laying in her bed. Her face contorted in deep sadness as she speaks in her sleep.>>完整场景
I forgot myself. Malcolm and Cole share a warm look. THE SOUNDS OF KIDS LAUGHING AND PLAYING OUT ON THE FIELD COME POURING INTO THE ROOM AGAIN. Cole's expression changes back to sadness as he looks to the windows. Malcolm leans across the table and whispers.>>完整场景
(whispers) I was picked first for kickball teams at recess. I hit a grand slam to win the game and everyone lifted me up on their shoulders and carried me around cheering. Cole and Lynn smile at each other. Beat. Lynn tries to hide the utter sadness behind her smile.>>完整场景
(to the guests) I thought I was going to sneak away tonight... YELLS of "No!" "Never!" PARRISH (cont'd) ...What a glorious night, every face I see is a memory. It may not be a perfectly perfect memory -- sometimes we had our ups and downs -- but we're all together, and you're mine for a night. (a moment) -- And I'm going to break precedent, and tell you my one-candle wish -- that you would have a life as lucky as mine, where you can wake up one morning and say "I don't want anything more." (another moment) Sixty-five years - don't they go by in a blink?Parrish hesitates, waves and steps away, APPLAUSE that grows into CHEERS, the music resumes, another dance tune. Quince grabs him, pumps his hand and claps him on the back. Now Parrish spots Allison, he wraps her in a tight embrace, they hold each other close for a moment, but then are separated by a surge of guests. Parrish sees Susan, she smiles but there is a tinge of sadness about her. He heads towards her, they are somehow situated as if they were alone in this crowd.>>完整场景