adj. 特殊的;罕见的;奇怪的;独特的
- a peculiar fish was caught near Madagascar. strange and peculiar;
peculiar: /pɪˈkjuːliər/ markedly different from the usual; peculiar侧重于特定、特殊的,而strange侧重于陌生、未知>> 82-Monster or Fish?- RHETT:
- I'll say one thing. The war makes the most peculiar widows.
我要说一件事。战争造就了最奇特的寡妇。>> 飘 Gone with the Wind Movie Script- This may seem a peculiar question.>> Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Movie Script
- VIEW ON THE ENTRANCE The bustle is settling down; then Michael Corleone enters, and with him is someone very peculiar and out of keeping for this setting. A burly-chested imposing man of middle age.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- “Upset me too,” Call said. “It was a peculiar sign. It’s on the wagon.” “I consider it my masterpiece, that and the fact that I’ve kept you from not getting no worse for so long,” Augustus said.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Dern you, walk straight,” he said. The sound of his own cracked voice startled him out of his fury.Then he felt embarrassed. A man who would cuss his own legs just because they were weak was peculiar, he knew. He got the floating feeling again, so strong that he felt frightened. He felt he might be going to float right out of his own body. He wondered if he was dying, if that was how it felt. He had never heard of anyone dying while they were just walking along, but then dying was something he knew little about. He would take a few steps and then feel himself begin to rise out of his own body, which frightened him so that he stumbled and fell. He didn’t want to stand up again, and he began to crawl, looking up now and then to see if the herd was in sight. He felt he couldn’t live another night so alone and hungry. He would die in the grass like some beaten animal.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “No,” Augustus said. “What you have to understand is that Woodrow Call is a peculiar man. He likes to think that things are a certain way. He likes to think everybody does their duty, especially him. He likes to think people live for duty—I don’t know what started him thinking that way. He ain’t dumb. He knows perfectly well people don’t live for duty. But he won’t admit it about anybody if he can help it, and he especially won’t admit it about himself.” Newt saw that Mr. Gus was laboring to explain it to him, but it was no good. So far as he could tell, the Captain did live for duty. What did that have to do with the Captain being his father?>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- All she heard was the wind, rustling the grass. Her only worry was that July might follow. He had followed all the way from Texas—he might follow again. Maybe Zwey would kill him if he followed. It was peculiar that she disliked July so, but she did. If he didn’t leave her alone she would have Zwey kill him.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Well, I wish he hadn’t got so careless about his company,” Call said. “It was that that cost him.” “Life works out peculiar,” Augustus said. “If he hadn’t talked you into making this trip, we wouldn’t have had to hang him today. He could be sitting down in Lonesome Dove, playing cards with Wanz.” “On the other hand, it was gambling brought him down,” Call said. “That’s what started it.” Deets and Pea Eye and Newt held the little horse herd. Newt was leading the horse Jake had left him. He didn’t know if it was right to get on him so soon after Jake’s death.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Sitting on the low bluff, watching the moon climb the dark sky, he felt the old sadness again. He felt, almost, that hedidn’t belong with the very men he was leading, and that he ought to just leave: ride west, let the herd go, let Montana go, be done with the whole business of leading men. It was peculiar to seem so infallible in their eyes and yet feel so empty and sad when he thought of himself.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Well, it’s peculiar,” Augustus said. “I never was drawn to fat women, and yet I married two of them. People do odd things, all except you. I don’t think you ever wanted to be happy anyway. It don’t suit you, so you managed to avoid it.” “That’s silly,” Call said.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Big Zwey was the worst-looking of the buffalo hunters. He had an oily beard and fingernails as black as tar. It was peculiar to think that a buffalo hunter had been her protector after what she had been through with them.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Elmira got up and cooked them breakfast, but the food did nothing to ease the heaviness of heart which July felt. All night he had hoped she might turn to him, it being his last night at home for a while—but she hadn’t. Once he had accidentally touched her, turning on the pallet they slept on, and she had stiffened. It was clear to July that she wasn’t going to miss him, though he was certainly going to miss her. It was peculiar, but she showed no sign of being sorry to see Joe go, either. Yet Joe was her son and he was her husband—if she didn’t love her husband and her son, who did she love? For all she knew they would be gone for months, and yet she was just as brisk with them as if it was an ordinary day. She saw to it that Joe drew another bucket of water before he left, and then jumped on July for nearly forgetting his jaundice medicine.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Want a bath?” July asked his wife. “I’ll fetch some more water if you do.” Elmira didn’t answer because she didn’t really hear him. It was peculiar, but July almost never said anything that she did hear anymore. It seemed to her that the last thing she heard were their marriage vows. After that, though she heard his voice, she didn’t really hear his words. Certainly he was nothing like Dee Boot when it came to conversation. Dee could talk all week and never say the same thing twice, whereas it seemed to her July had never said anything different since they’d married.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Call thought the bull well made though certainly a peculiar mix of colors, and wanted to keep him.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Do we ask their names before we shoot them?” he inquired.“It ain’t necessary,” Augustus assured him. “Most of them are named Jesus anyway.” “Well, I ain’t named Jesus,” Jake said. “You boys try not to do your learning in my direction. I’ve been known to get riled when I’m shot at.” When the two Irishmen came trotting up to the horse herd behind Augustus and Jake, Dish Boggett could hardly believe his eyes. He had always heard that the Hat Creek outfit was peculiar, but arming men who didn’t even know how to dismount from their horses was not so much peculiar as insane.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- The other rider rode a pacing bay; it took but a moment for recognition to strike. The rider seemed to slump a little in the saddle, in the direction of his horse’s off side, a tendency peculiar to only one man he knew. Augustus was so startled that he made the mistake of running his sticky fingers through his own hair.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- It was peculiar that he was her most regular customer, because he was also her oldest. She made a point of not letting anything men did surprise her much, but secretly it did surprise her a little that a man as old as Gus would still be so partial to it. In that respect he put a lot of younger men to shame, including Mosby Marlin, who had held her up for two years over in east Texas. Compared to Gus, Mosby couldn’t even be said to have a carrot, though he did have a kind of little stringy radish that he was far too proud of.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- COSMO LANG: What a peculiar thing to say.>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- That's because you're peculiar.>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- I loved it. It sounds peculiar, but Iloved every minute of it. I did.>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
- 342. With one penny I had this peculiar pen opened.>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
- Money for blood's a peculiar business.>> 豪勇七蛟龙 The Magnificent Seven Movie Script
- I assume you acquired that ear... on one of your more peculiar pursuits of higher meaning?>> Stay Hungry Movie Script
- I'm floating around in the most peculiar way.>> 火星一代 The Mars Generation Movie Script