adv. 频繁地;不断地
- 1.难点练习答案 A 1 which 2 denied 3 fetched4 too 5 jobs 6 One…a…who 7 past 8 next 9 watching 10 continually 11 remarked 12 robbed B (sample sentences)I'm sorry to cause you such trouble. Have you ever seen such beautiful pictures before? It's such a nice day that we can'tstay indoors! I'm feeling so tired that I shall have to stop work. C 1 He had no sooner come home than they rang him up from the office. 2 The plane had no sooner taken off than it returned to the airport. D 1 made 2 do 3 make 4 do 5 Do 6 make 7 made8 does E 1 out 2 up 3 up 4 up…away 5 up 6 out 7 back 8 up with 9 up with F (sample sentences) If you don't stop that noise at once, you'll have to go to bed. I'm at a loss to know what to do. It's stopped raining at last! He's very busy and can't accept any more work at present. I'll be at home tonight. 2.多项选择题答案 1. c 根据课文第3-4行 I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton wool 可判断只有c. There was something in his mouth 最符合课文的真实情况,这也是作者不能讲话的唯一原因,其他3个选择都不是原因,所以只能选c. 2. b 根据课文第8-10行I suddenly felt very worried,…when the dentist at last removed the cotton wool… I was able to tell him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth 可以判断b. he thought the dentist had pulled out the wrong tooth 是作者着急的唯一原因,其他3个选择都不是他着急的原因,所以选b. 3. c 只有选c. cannot 才能使句子同前一句It is impossible for him to answer.(他是不可能回答的)意义相同,所以c.是正确答案.a. might not 与d .may not 都不符合题目意思. b. could not 时态不对. 4. b 本句是将前一句中表示命令请求的间接引语变成了直接引语(祈使句)。 a. To rest 是动词不定式,不能做祈使句的谓语; c. Do you rest是疑问句,不能表示请求; d. Resting 是动名词也不能做祈使句的谓语; 只有b. Rest 可以做祈使句的谓语,所以选b. 5. a 本句是将前一句中的间接疑问句...how my brother was 变成直接疑问句,因此时态和语序都要作相应改变。 b. your brother was, c. your brother is 都不是疑问句语序,所以都不对。 d. was your brother 语序正确,但时态不对:间接引语是过去时,直接引语应该是现在时才正确。只有a. is your brother 语序和时态都正确,所以应该选a. 6. c 这是一个疑问句,a. It likes you , b. Does it like you 和d. Like you 这3个选择都意思不通,不符合题目意思,只有c. Do you like 意思通顺,符合疑问句语序,因此只能选c. 7. b 介词by 后面加动名词可以表示方式。 本句只能选b. nodding(点头),因为它是动名词,可以放在by 后面作方式状语。 其他3个选择都不能放在介词by 后面,所以选b. 8. b 本句需要选一个同前一句中时间短语for a while (一会儿)意义相同的短语。a. quietly (安静地),c. while he spoke to me (当他跟我说话时),d. for a long time (很久)这3个选择都与for a while 的意义不符。 只有b. for a short time (短时间)同for a while 的含义相同,因此选b. 9. d a. assembly (集会,聚会),b. gathering (聚集,收集抽象的东西,如消息等),c. congregation (聚集,聚合) , d. collection (收集,收藏如邮票,硬币等),只有d最适合这个句子,其他3个选择都不能与火柴盒连用,所以选d. 10. a 前一句 I nodded(我点头)表示同意,只有a. agreed (同意)才是这一动作所表达的含义。b. said no (说不),c. shouted (高喊),d. whispered (耳语) 这3个选择都不是nodded所表达的含义,所以选a. 11. b 本句需要选出同前一句中的Meanwhile(同时)意义相同的词或短语。 a. However(不过,然而);b. In the mean time(同时);c. Never the less(尽管如此,不过);d. Although(虽然);这4个选择中只有b.同Meanwhile 的意义相同,所以选b. 12. c a. took it off (脱下),b. took it in (理解),c. took it out (取出),和d. took it up (从事于)4个选择中只有c. took it out 同前一句He removed the cotton wool from my mouth(他将药棉从我嘴里取出)的含义相同,所以选c.>> 48-Did You Want to Tell Me Something?
- Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold.
他几乎立刻开始抱怨天气,因为尽管现在还是夏天,但雨下得不停,而且经常冷得要命。>> 38-Everything Except the Weather- The Cliff edge is very close now. Inigo is continually being forced toward it.>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
- And yet he loved the girls in his unspeaking way. His love mostly came out in awkwardness, for their delicacy frightened him. He was continually warning them about their health and trying to keep them wrapped up. Their recklessness almost stopped his heart at times—they were the kind of girls who would run out in the snow barefoot if they chose. He feared for them, and also feared the effect on his wife if one of them should die. Impervious to weather himself, he came to dread the winters for fear winter would take the rest of his family. Yet the girls proved as strong as their mother, whereas the boys had all been weak. It made no sense to Bob, and he was hoping if they could only have another boy, he would turn into the helper he needed.The only hand they had was an old Mexican cowboy named Cholo. The old man was wiry and strong, despite his age, and stayed mainly because of his devotion to Clara. It was Cholo, and not her husband, who taught her to love horses and to understand them. Cholo had pointed out to her at once that her husband would never break the mustang mare; he had urged her to persuade Bob to sell the mare unbroken, or else let her go. Though Bob had been a horse trader all his adult life, he had no real skill with horses. If they disobeyed him, he beat them—Clara had often turned her back in disgust from the sight of her husband beating a horse, for she knew it was his incompetence, not the horse’s, that was to blame for whatever incident had provoked the beating. Bob could not contain his violence when angered by a horse.
然而,他以一种不说话的方式爱着这些女孩。他的爱大多是在尴尬中流露出来的,因为它们的微妙让他害怕。他不断地提醒他们注意自己的健康,并试图让他们保持健康。他们的鲁莽有时几乎让他心跳停止——她们是那种如果愿意,会光着脚在雪地里跑出来的女孩。他为他们担心,也担心如果他们中的一个死了,会对他的妻子产生影响。他对天气毫不知情,开始害怕冬天,因为担心冬天会带走他的家人。然而,事实证明,女孩们和他们的母亲一样强壮,而男孩们都很虚弱。这对鲍勃来说毫无意义,他希望如果他们能再要一个男孩,他就能成为他需要的帮手。他们仅有的一只手是一位名叫乔洛的墨西哥老牛仔。这位老人虽然年纪大了,但又瘦又壮,留下来主要是因为他对克拉拉的忠诚。是乔洛,而不是她的丈夫,教会了她爱马和理解马。乔洛立刻向她指出,她的丈夫永远不会折断那匹野马;他催促她说服鲍勃把母马完好无损地卖掉,否则就放了她。虽然鲍勃成年后一直是一名马贩子,但他对马没有真正的技能。如果他们不服从他,他就会打他们——克拉拉经常因为看到丈夫打马而厌恶地转过身去,因为她知道,无论是什么事件引发了殴打,都是他的无能,而不是马的无能。鲍勃被马激怒时,忍不住大发雷霆。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- “She’s real pretty still,” Newt said. “Mr. Gus did most of the talking.” “Oh, Gus always does the most of it,” Pea Eye said. “If they’d just pitch their tent a little closer, we could all hear it. Gus has a loud voice.” “I wouldn’t care to listen,” Dish said. It rankled him continually that Gus had all of Lorena’s company, day after day.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- That’s the way to make a reputation these days.” “I don’t want a reputation,” Call said. “I’ve had enough outlaws shoot at me. I’d rather have a ranch.” “Well, I got to admit I still like a fight,” Augustus said. “They sharpen the wits. The only other thing that does that is talking to women, which is usually more dangerous.” “Now you’ve ended up the caretaker of that girl,” Call said. “She ain’t the woman you’re after.” “Nope, she ain’t,” Augustus said. He had been pondering that point himself. Of course, for all he knew Clara was still a happily married woman and all his thinking about her no more than idle daydreams. He had long wanted to marry her, and yet life was continually slipping other women between her and him. It had happened with his wives, earlier.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- He motioned at a chair, and Dish took it, feeling red in the face one second and pale the next. He longed to know what Lorena was feeling about it all, and when Jake turned his head a minute, he cast her a glance. Her eyes were unusually bright, but they didn’t see him. They returned continually to Jake, who was paying her no particular mind. She tapped her fingers on the table three or four times, a little absently, as if keeping time with her own thoughts, and she drank two more sips from Jake’s glass. There were tiny beads of sweat above her upper lip, one right at the edge of the faint scar, but she didn’t look bothered by the heat or anything else.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Animals can't manufacture the amino acid lysine. Unless they're continually supplied with lysine by us, they'll go into a coma and die.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script