
adj. 缺席的;缺少的;心不在焉的;茫然的


It sounded like July, and it looked like July, so Roscoe was forced to conclude that he was saved. He had been in the process of adjusting to impending death, and it seemed to him a part of him must already have left for the other place, because he felt sort of absent and dull. Ordinarily he would not have stood around on a muddy prairie naked, and yet in some ways it was easier than having to pick up the pieces of his life again, which meant, first off, having to literally pick up pieces of his clothes.>>完整场景
Within his family, Bertie's stutter is virtually absent.>>完整场景
Edward toasts the happy couple. Josephine covers well forher absent husband, a smile as warm as summer.>>完整场景
I'll bet Watts was the guy who took names in high school... when the teacher was absent.>>完整场景

INT. THE CARLYLE HOTEL - NEXT DAY A large suite, room service carts creaking with pots of coffee and half-eaten pastries. The Board of Parrish Communications is gathered, absent are Parrish and Quince. Felicia, Drew's secretary, takes notes.