
n. 房客;承租人;佃户;居住者


He carries a check list, and makes marks with a pencil concerning the condition of his various buildings; a broken window here, some missing tile there. He bends over to pick up some garbage left by a thoughtless tenant, muttering to himself, when he sees the shoes and legs of a young worker.>>完整场景
451. The tenant is discontented with the content of the agreement for renting the tennis tent.>>完整场景
Killed a tenant farmer and his son in cold blood.>>完整场景
The Protagonist gets in. The GPS is already set... EXT. OFFICE COMPLEX – LATER A bland suburban office park. The Protagonist gets out of the car, wearing his hi-viz and carrying a clipboard. Heads inside, passing numerous STAFF coming out... INT. LOBBY, OFFICE COMPLEX – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist moves through the lobby unimpeded. Checking the tenant listings he sees – ‘WINDFARM TRANSITIONS – B-2’.>>完整场景