
vt. 使潮湿;使沮丧,抑制;使阻尼


His hands float around in the air until finally both of them are indicating the same direction, behind his back. In the bunk beyond Coma's is another drunk pilot in a Hawaiian shirt...and to judge by the shapely bronzed leg that protrudes from under his damp sheet, there's a woman with him too.>>完整场景
“Look at them,” Augustus said happily. “Ain’t they swimmers?”AS THE DAYS PASSED, Lorena found she liked the traveling more and more. The nights were no easier—almost every night the lightning flickered and thunderstorms rolled over them. Often, while she and Jake slept, big drops of rain would hit them in the face and force them to grab for the tarp. Soon the blankets seemed permanently damp, causing Jake to grumble and complain. But the tarp was hot and stiff, and he himself never thought to keep it handy. She would have to stumble around and arrange it in the dark, while Jake cussed the weather.>>完整场景
“I hate to squish every move I make,” he said. “It ain’t supposed to get this wet in these parts.” Now that the scare was over, Lorena found that she didn’t mind that things were damp. It beat being hot, in her book.>>完整场景
The damp burlap the jug was wrapped in naturally appealed to the centipedes, so Augustus made sure none had sneaked under the wrapping before he uncorked the jug and took a modest swig. The one white barber in Lonesome Dove, a fellow Tennessean named Dillard Brawley, had to do his barbering on one leg because he had not been cautious enough about centipedes. Two of the vicious red-legged variety had crawled into his pants one night and Dillard had got up in a hurry and had neglected to shake out the pants. The leg hadn’t totally rotted off, but it had rotted sufficiently that the family got nervous about blood poisoning and persuaded he and Call to saw it off.>>完整场景
440. He stamped on the stamps and slammed the lamp on the damp dam.>>完整场景
Chace. You're looking damp. What happened to you?>>完整场景