
n. 钱包,皮夹


Vito quickly opens his wallet, removes the two hundred, quickly fires one last bullet into Fanucci's sweaty cheek.>>完整场景
The DRIVER merely flips open his wallet to a greed card, without saying a word. SONNY steps back, spits on the ground, turns, and walks away, followed by CLEMENZA, PAULIE, and another TWO MEN. He doesn't say a thing for most of the walk back into the courtyard, and then, muttered to PAULIE.>>完整场景
“Go with him and see what you can find, boys,” Dan said. “Me and Jake can ride herd on the family, I guess. They don’t look too violent.” Ten minutes later the boy came racing back, crying again, and Frog Lip and the two younger Suggses followed. They had an old leather wallet with them, which Roy Suggs threw to Dan. It had two small gold pieces in it.>>完整场景
I thought I'd dropped my wallet.>>完整场景
- He went to get his wallet... - Never let them out the door!>>完整场景
The CEO of Alibaba, Jack Ma, says, "Just trust us, just trust." In this country, when anyone says, "Just trust us," the first thing you do is, hold on to your wallet.>>完整场景
101. The tall man installed a small wallet on the wall.>>完整场景
101. 高个男子把一小钱包安放到墙上。
92 CLOSE ON HUMMINGBIRD 92 Hovering over Gordy as he comes to. As it flies off... 92A GORDY 92A sits up. Feels the bloody lump on his head. It hurts, but it's not serious. He searches his pockets andbackpack, realizes the passport and wallet are missing.>>完整场景
The men run up. One man covers Gordy, while Ever and theother man rifle his pack and toss his pockets. They takehis passport, wallet, and an NYFD T-shirt. And then they're gone.>>完整场景
Gordy pulls out his wallet, pays the Cabbie.>>完整场景
I was hypnotized by this object and asked the price as if I were under a spell. "$45," the dealer said. My tongue was dry from hanging in the open air, and I tried to fit it back into my mouth. "All right," she said, "$35. $30." But she could have gone up. "All right. $85. $120. $370." I had no choice but to follow wherever she led me. I handed over my wallet in a trance, just gave it to her, thinking she could take the whole thing, the cash, blank checks, library card, whatever. Take it all.>>完整场景
I left my wallet upstairs.>>完整场景
Just be sure you keep your hand on your wallet at all times.>>完整场景
While the Bride is buying items in the department store we'll CROSSCUT. .with her driving the p*ssy wagon up to a low-rent motel called, "The Texican". Her Registering with the OLD BASTARD of a desk clerk, getting the key, and paying him out of the "BIG EL PASO PIMPIN" wallet. her drawing a bath in the bathroom of the motel room... Shampoo is taken off the shelf of the department store conditioner a bar of soap hot water runs out of the bathtub faucet steam rises off the hot bathwater she pulls down a bunch of bath products, like bubble bath, salts, apricot this - kiwi that, we see her pour all the items in the bathwater then we see her bare foot enter the bathwater then Lower her whole body into the bathwater now submerged in the warm bathwater, by herself, perfect MUSIC CUE ON SOUNDTRACK, she begins to cry...her poor heart has been shattered and five years of tears come flooding out of her.>>完整场景
She opens Buck's "BIG EL PASO PIMPIN" wallet, and pays for the items.>>完整场景
She searches the dead man's pockets, coming up with a brown wallet that says on it, "BIG EL PASO PIMPIN," loaded with lettuce. She also pulls out a set of car keys on a pickup truck key chain that has the words, "P*ssy Wagon" on it written in a pimpy font. She gathers up all these items, and Gerald's knife, then begins to strip Buck of his orderly uniform.>>完整场景
The magnetic coils on the helmet erased every one of them in your wallet.>>完整场景
Moss fishes for his wallet but stops, looking.>>完整场景
The prisoner -- his name is Anton Chigurh -- gets out of the police car and slings the tank over his shoulder. He walks up the road to the man cranking down his window, groping for his wallet.>>完整场景