
adv. 特别;尤其;格外


The Grandchildren are in school now, and so the estate is especially quiet. Although there are signs that children live here; a bicycle, a sled, a swing and gymnastic set, wet and with a rim of snow still on it.>>完整场景
Fredo is a little loaded, and especially attentive to Michael this night.>>完整场景
EXT. LAKE TAHOE ESTATE - DAY The lawns of this great estate on the shore of Lake Tahoe are covered with guests of a wonderful party to honor the First Holy Communion of Anthony Corleone, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Corleone. A full dance orchestra plays music of the times on a pavilion bandstand built especially for the occasion. Speedboats roar through the water, pulling youthful waterskiers; and the pool and private harbor are filled with laughing, swimming guests. It is Fall of 1958.>>完整场景
They all look at the DON; especially HAGEN, who feels that DON CORLEONE has given a great deal, and must have something else in mind. Slowly the DON rises.>>完整场景
and hurries back to the car, in a moment his car is gone, leaving even his bodyguards in confusion. We notice ONE MAN with a sports jacket in the group of spectators especially interested.>>完整场景
Those assigned to Anger Management must report fifth hour, room L-345 for the especially angry.>>完整场景
lf l were to be honest... lf l were to look after my interests alone, l shouldn't need you, fire the lot of you, especially all you day laborers.>>完整场景
You shouldn't eat fried chicken, especially here.>>完整场景
He is about halfway across when an especially fierce and large statue comes crashing towards him. Drew, caught a little off guard, quickly adjusts and manages to jump and spin out of the way.>>完整场景
He is doing well, jumping from pole to pole, kicking and punching. He tries an especially difficult sequence of moves, and falls with a THUMP to the ground. Immediately, he is back up and onto the poles. He tries the same set of moves, falls again. Instead of being angry, Drew just laughs at himself, then climbs back up on the poles.>>完整场景
Drew's group is working on several very athletic maneuvers, none of which Drew is especially good at. Gao, of course, is having no trouble.>>完整场景
Oh, yes, especially in this case.>>完整场景
The press, the unions, especially the strikers.>>完整场景
Even Sally, usually so jealous of any attention her sister got, respected the fact that Betsey and Lorena were especially close. She would let off teasing Betsey if Lorena looked at her in a certain way.>>完整场景
“Imagine getting killed by an arrow in this day and age,” Augustus said. “It’s ridiculous, especially since they shot at us fifty times with modern weapons and did no harm.” “You always was careless,” Call said. “Pea said you rode over a hill and right into them. I’ve warned you about that very thing a thousand times. There’s better ways to approach a hill.” “Yes, but I like being free on the earth,” Augustus said. “I’ll cross the hills where I please.” He paused a minute. “I hope you won’t mistreat Newt,” he said.>>完整场景
When he looked ahead he felt very discouraged, for the country seemed endless. It seemed to him he could see almost a hundred miles—just empty country, and he had to walk it. He had never been an advocate of walking, and coming up thetrail horseback had given him even less affection for it. He had never bargained for doing so much walking, especially barefoot. Before he had gone more than a few miles his feet were cut and sore. The plains looked grassy and smooth, but there were rocks scattered here and there, and he stepped on a goodly number of them.>>完整场景
“No,” Augustus said. “What you have to understand is that Woodrow Call is a peculiar man. He likes to think that things are a certain way. He likes to think everybody does their duty, especially him. He likes to think people live for duty—I don’t know what started him thinking that way. He ain’t dumb. He knows perfectly well people don’t live for duty. But he won’t admit it about anybody if he can help it, and he especially won’t admit it about himself.” Newt saw that Mr. Gus was laboring to explain it to him, but it was no good. So far as he could tell, the Captain did live for duty. What did that have to do with the Captain being his father?>>完整场景
Newt didn’t find that a helpful answer, mainly because he didn’t know what subtle meant. “Looks like he’d mention it,” he said softly. He didn’t want to criticize the Captain, especially not to Mr. Gus, the only man who did criticize the Captain.>>完整场景
“Just stand there like a post,” Buf said. “Mary’s quick, especially with tadpoles. She’ll get you in a minute.” Jimmy stood where he was, looking forlorn.>>完整场景
“Well, Deets is sensitive,” Augustus said. “Probably you hurt his feelings in your blunt way.” “I didn’t hurt his feelings,” Call said. “I always try to be especially good to Deets. He’s the best man we got.” “Best man we’ve ever had,” Augustus said. “Maybe he’s sick.” “No,” Call said.>>完整场景
The winter before she had bought Cholo a buffalo coat, an action which shocked Bob. He had never heard of a married woman buying a Mexican cowboy an expensive coat. Then there was the piano. She had ordered that too, although it cost two hundred dollars and another forty to transport. And yet he had to admit he loved to see his girls sitting at the piano, trying to learn their fingering. And the buffalo coat had saved Cholo’s life when he was trapped in an April blizzard up on the Dismal River, Clara got her way, and her way often turned out to make sense—and yet Bob more and more felt that her way skipped him, somehow. She didn’t neglect him in any way that he could put his finger on, and the girls loved him, but there were many times when he felt left out of the life of his own family. He would never have said that to Clara—he was not good with words, and seldom spoke unless he was spoken to, unless it was about business. Watching his wife, he often felt lonely. Clara seemed to sense it and would usually come and try to be especially nice to him, or to get him laughing at something the girls had done—and yet he still felt lonely, even in their bed.>>完整场景
Dish, especially, could not keep his eyes off the little tent. He longed for a glimpse of her and kept imagining that any minute she would step out of the tent and look his way. Surely she remembered him; perhaps she would even wave, and call him over.>>完整场景
Call was not especially surprised. “All right, Bol, do you want a horse?” he asked. The old man had cooked for them for ten years. He deserved a mount.>>完整场景
I'd say not as much up in here, and especially there, is where you get the most exposed and there's kind of the open ocean out of there, and you get this swells that are kind of unimpeded, they're coming in there and they hit right in this area here.>>完整场景
You weren't supposed to just go into church or something and fart loud and get a high five for it, but you know, it-- So you still had to have respect for your surroundings and especially big public places.>>完整场景