
n. 托儿所;苗圃;温床


Since you can't find these species in regular nurseries in any numbers, we realized that we had to start our own tree nursery.>>完整场景
MR. DNA (O.S.) Our fertilization department is where the dinosaur DNA takes the place of the DNA in unfertilized emu or ostrich eggs - - and then it's on to the nursery, where we welcome the dinosaurs back into the world!>>完整场景
ELIZABETH: "Mr. and Mrs. Darling and Nana rushed into the nursery too late. The birds were flown." Bertie enters, handsome in a tuxedo. Elizabeth closes the book.>>完整场景
14 INT. CHILDREN'S NURSERY, 145 PICCADILLY - NIGHT 14 Elizabeth, fashionably attired for an evening-out, is curled on a bearskin rug reading "Peter Pan" to the girls.>>完整场景
Two little girls, LILIBET and MARGARET ROSE, aged eight and four, wave back from their nursery window.>>完整场景
You better give me something I can work with this time, kid, or I'll run your hind parts back to nursery school.>>完整场景
Finewood Nursery School.>>完整场景
She takes one look at a woman like you... The harlot stealing into the nursery... The delicious concubine with the delectable ears nose neck.>>完整场景
Since time is so clearly against us, why don't you show Larita up to the nursery?>>完整场景
Mother's turned our old nursery into a boudoir.>>完整场景