
n. 拳击;装箱;围模;做箱的材料


INT. BELOW DECKS OF THE WEST VIRGINIA - DAY Dorie Miller, the boxing champion/kitchen helper, is working picking up the breakfast trays when he feels the ship shudder. The intercom comes alive -->>完整场景
“Well, he’s a fighter, the Captain,” he said mildly. “He’ll box ’em if they get him riled.” “Box?” Ben Rainey said. “He didn’t box. He run over the man with a horse and then near kicked his head off when he had him laying on the ground.” “Oh, that’s boxing, to the Captain,” Pea Eye said.>>完整场景
Dish finally leaped at Bert, but instead of boxing, the two men grappled and were soon rolling on the ground, neither gaining much of an advantage. Call had seen the men square off, and he loped over. When he got there they were rolling on the ground, both red in the face but doing one another no harm. He rode the Hell Bitch right up to them, and when they saw him they both stopped. He had it in his mind to dress them down, but the fact that the other hands were laughing at their ineffectual combat was probably all that was needed. Anyway, the men were natural rivals in ability and could be expected to puff up at some point. He turned and rode back out of camp without saying a word to them.>>完整场景
With one mighty blow from her huge right arm(synched to the sound of a CAR CRASH), her boxing Coach buys the farm.>>完整场景
INT. ELLE DRIVER'S GYM - NIGHT The six-foot tall, long-haired blonde with the codename "California Mountain Snake," is doing a savage boxing workout with her COACH.>>完整场景