
adj. 惭愧的,感到难为情的;耻于……的


l'm ashamed.>>完整场景
l'm ashamed.>>完整场景
You ought to be ashamed!>>完整场景
“I’ll stir you up if you don’t quit blabbing to me about Indians,” Elmira said. “I told you yesterday. I want to get gone a good ways before July shows up in town again.” Her eyes flashed when she spoke, as they had before she got sick. Ashamed to have angered her, Zwey began to stir the fire under the coffeepot.WHEN JULY CAME BACK FROM TOWN he was so depressed he couldn’t speak. Clara had asked him to do a few errands, but the visit with Elmira troubled him so that he had forgotten them. Even after he got back to the ranch he didn’t remember that he had been asked to do anything.>>完整场景
“I doubt it,” Augustus said. “That woman had two or three chances to marry me already, and she didn’t take them. She’s an independent type, like you used to be.” That was so, Lorena reflected. She had been quite independent, but now all she could think of was keeping Gus. She wasn’t ashamed, though. He was worth keeping.>>完整场景
There was no shade on the bluff. He covered his face with his hat and lay back against his saddle, sweating, and ashamed of his own carelessness. He grew delirious and in his delirium would have long talks with Roscoe. He could see Roscoe’s face as plain as day. Roscoe didn’t seem to blame him for the fact that he was dead. If he himself was soon going to be dead, too, it might not matter so much. July didn’t die. His leg felt terrible, though. In the night came a rainstorm and he could do nothing but huddle under his saddle blanket. His teeth began to chatter and he couldn’t stop them. He almost wished he could go on and die, it was so uncomfortable. But in the morning the sun was hot, he soon dried out. He felt weak, but he didn’t feel as if he were dying. Mainly he had to avoid looking at his leg. It looked so bad he didn’t know what to think. If a doctor saw it he could probably just cut it off and be done with it. When he tried to bend it even a little, a terrible pain shot through him—yet he had to get down to the river or else die of thirst, even though it had just rained.>>完整场景
Besides, he himself bought Lorie once a week, if not more. Once in a period of restless enthusiasm he had bought her six times in five days—after which, being ashamed of his extravagance, if not his lust, he abstained for two weeks. It was a happy convenience having Lorie in the place, and a fine change from his wife, Therese, who had been stingy with her favors and a bully to boot. Once Therese had denied him anything resembling a favor for a period of four months, which, for a man of Xavier’s temperament, was a painful thing. He had been required to hunt Mexican women himself during that period, and had come close to feeling the wrath of a couple of Mexican husbands.>>完整场景
Everybody does it, yet most people are ashamed to fart.>>完整场景
You won't be ashamed of me.>>完整场景
Nothing to be ashamed of.>>完整场景
But, boy, it's the first time in your life I've been ashamed of you.>>完整场景
246 JORDAN (V.O.) I’m not ashamed to admit, when we arrived to prison, I wasabsolutely terrified... GUARD (O.S.) Belfort! F***in’ move!>>完整场景
IRVING ROSENFELD (V.O.) You feel like the two of you understand something that nobody else gets. I could just tell her everything about myself. And I never had anybody like that in my life before. I felt like finally, I can truly be myself without being ashamed, without being embarrassed.>>完整场景
And she ain't ashamed of me.>>完整场景
Nobody's saying you should be ashamed.>>完整场景
I ain't ashamed about my baby.>>完整场景
ATTENDANT: He says you are very beautiful, Senora, and he is ashamed to ask five American dollars for this picture, but if he does not, his father will beat him.>>完整场景
I'm not ashamed.>>完整场景
I don't mind being dejected and rejected... but I'm not going to be ashamed about it.>>完整场景
Well... I'm sick of being ashamed.>>完整场景
They're saying that something is wrong with me... that I should be ashamed.>>完整场景
Why can't he come home of an evening, hang up his shieId and do something that he can be ashamed of?>>完整场景
-I'm too ashamed to Iift my head.>>完整场景
INT. PHILLIPPE'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Athos enters to find Phillippe in a corner of the bedroom, slumped and ashamed in the darkness, holding the mask.>>完整场景
It... was nothing. A nightmare, nothing more. Go away, I -- D'Artagnan guides his guards out, but glances back to see the King, ashamed and worried. D'Artagnan tells his men -- D'ARTAGNAN Check the garden.>>完整场景