
adj. 贵族的;高尚的;宏伟的;惰性的


Drink this, noble guest.>>完整场景
You mother was a noble woman.>>完整场景
He's noble, heroic, a terrific soprano.>>完整场景
Look, uh...Rafe's dad...he wrote me with the news, and it took me a couple of days to work up the guts to come here and tell you. I'm not as brave as Rafe, or as noble. But if there's anything I can ever do to help -- you let me know, okay?>>完整场景
Do you, Michael, promise to be faithful to the noble purposes of this Order, to have a special care for the poor, the needy and those who are ill?>>完整场景
The VIEW ALTERS revealing that he is being pulled along by his Mother, the Widow, across a field leading to the ornamental gates of a Baronial Estate of some forgotten Noble.>>完整场景
That by the bride's moral pledge of fidelity shall continue this noble race touched by that divine light.>>完整场景
MIRACLE MAX: That is a noble cause. Give me the sixty-five, I'm on the job.>>完整场景
True love. You heard him. You could not ask for a more noble cause than that.>>完整场景
This is noble, sir.>>完整场景
MIRACLE MAX: Sheesh! I never worked for so little, except once, and that was a very noble cause.>>完整场景
Report noble.>>完整场景
The noble.>>完整场景
INT. PRIVATE JET - CONTINUOUS Irv and Richie step aboard to find FBI AGENT PACO HERNANDEZ putting on a regal looking white Arab keffyeh headdress and robe -- he looks noble. TWO AGENTS posing as body guards.>>完整场景
Communism is a noble idea on paper but it never worked in reality because trusting the government to give back the entirety of the country’s wealth to it’s people, is like giving a mountain of cocaine to drug addicts and trust them to give the cocaine away to everyone they know in equal portions.>>完整场景
119 INT. BARNES & NOBLE BOOKSTORE - NYC - 2010 - NIGHT 119 Lipsky reads from his published book, Although of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself, to a nice-sized crowd (including Sarah and Bob, his editor).>>完整场景
55. No, nobody's body is noble, nor is his.55. 不,没有任何人的躯体是高贵的,他的也不是。>>完整场景
My worthy Lord, your noble friends do lack you.>>完整场景
Good morrow, noble sir.>>完整场景
My noble partner you greet with present grace and great prediction of noble having and of royal hope that he seems rapt withal.>>完整场景
What he hath lost, noble Macbeth hath won.>>完整场景
Whence cam'st thou, noble Prince?>>完整场景
D'ARTAGNAN Aramis, Porthos and Athos too. I know what they have done was a threat against you -- and yet that threat has been removed, with no harm coming to your Majesty. If their passions were in error, their spirits have ever been noble.>>完整场景
My gracious noble lord... Phillippe's heart is pounding; he looks around for help. He can only guess who this woman is. The advisors have now noticed her; Claude quickly dispatches orders to keep the party going along, and waves guards over.>>完整场景
King Vortigern! King Vortigern! King Vortigern! King Vortigern! King Vortigern! King Vortigern! King Vortigern! King Vortigern! I understand that your actions were very noble, of defending this whore's honor.>>完整场景