
n. 面包皮;外壳;坚硬外皮


“Yes, and colder too,” Jasper said. “I’ve got my feet practically in the fire and my dern toes are still frozen.” Dish found to his annoyance that his own breath caused his mustache to freeze, something he would not have imagined could happen. The men put on all the clothes they had and were still terribly cold. When the storm blew out and the sun reappeared, the cold refused to leave. In fact, it got colder, and formed such a hard crust on the snow that the men slipped and fell just going a few feet to the wagon.>>完整场景
103. The exhausted man and the trustful guy thrust a knife into the rusty crust.>>完整场景
103. 精疲力竭的男子和深信不疑的家伙将一把刀子刺向生锈的外壳。
''Stretch the truth.'' What crust.>>完整场景
INT. A SMALL HOUSE - DAY ATHOS stands at the dressing table in a modest room; dressed in a dark plain coat, he too is a former Musketeer -- gray haired and handsome, intensely intelligent, with a hard crust of manners masking seas of emotion. He opens a small wooden box and digs through medals of heroism; he finds what he's looking for just as his son RAOUL enters. RAOUL is in his mid-twenties; he wears the uniform of a soldier in the French Army. He is nervous, pacing, looking at every angle in the mirror.>>完整场景
40.Studies of the gravity field of the Earth indicate that its crust and mantle yield when unusual weight is placed on them。>>完整场景
But from time to time, from the beginning of time, a very few meteors have struck the crust of the Earth and formed craters.>>完整场景
From La Rosette, only the greatest pastry chef in America. (pointing) This is orange, from real Seville oranges. Lemon, on a mille-feuille crust, a little on the fanciful. And a while, nothing like a good old white cake, vanilla, with Angel food but some maroons shavings thrown in.>>完整场景
来自La Rosette,美国唯一最伟大的糕点厨师。(指着)这是橘子,来自真正的塞维利亚橘子。柠檬,加上千层薄饼,再加上一点奇异的味道。还有一段时间,没有什么比得上好的老白蛋糕,香草,还有天使的食物,只有一些栗子刨花。