n. [植]葡萄树;[植]藤本植物;[植]攀缘植物;[植]藤
- There are vines and stars in your hair.>> 邮差 Postino Il Movie Script
- Cal is out on the covered deck, which has potted trees and vines on trellises, talking through the doorway to Rose in the sitting room.
卡尔在有盖的甲板上,棚架上种着盆栽树和藤蔓,隔着门口和客厅里的罗斯聊天。>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script- THE LIGHTNING SAND as Westley, lungs long past the bursting point, explodes out; he has Buttercup across his shoulders and as he pulls to the edge of the lightning sand pit, using the vine -->> The Princess Bride Movie Script
- WESTLEY WHIRLING slashing at a U-shaped vine, hacks it in half -- it's still connected to the tree. Then be grabs it, drops his sword, and, clutching the other end of the vine, he dives into the lightning sand and there is another cloud of white powder, but it settles quickly.>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
- SOME HIDEOUS VINES -- they look like they could be flesh eating. Westley takes his sword, slices a path for them to follow. The vines groan as they fall. He's been chatting away the entire time.>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
- 56INT. CORRIDOR - DAY56 A couple vending machines stand at the one end of this long hallway covered with vines.>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
- 28 EXT. LANDING STRIP, ISLA SORNA - DAY 28 The jungle has almost reclaimed this patchy vine-covered runway. The airplane is parked at one end.>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
- stay close together, Red Vine, where are you going?>> 长城 The Great Wall Movie Script
- EXT. JENNY HILL’S HOUSE - DAY TO NIGHT As we watch, the swamp begins to overtake the house, swallowing it in a tangle of vines and mossy branches.>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
- Coming around a bend, his PITCH DROPS as he sees thick, thorny vines growing across the path. He stops. For the first time, he realizes the birds have stopped singing. The forest is dead quiet.>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
- We PULL BACK, and BACK, revealing more of the Gothicallycreepy house: its broken windows, strangling vines, andeerie gargoyles half-buried in the dirt. Even bats are afraid to fly over it.>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
- # Oh, I have met a daisy # But where we met is hazy # And I have walked the streets with marguerites # And clinging vines beside me # Oh, I've met a lot of those # But I never met a rose # There's often been a heather An armful altogether # And I have even met a violet who almost satisfied me # Yes, I've met every kind that grows # But I never met a rose # Among the dahlias I often dally # I left a lily in the valley # But now and then I ponder And wonder as I wander # Among the fields and shrub Perhaps the trouble is # Who knows?>> 小王子1974 The Little Prince Movie Script
- Get me some vines.>> The Pirate Fairy Movie Script