
vt. 唤起;唤醒;使…意识到


Then maybe we can awaken Sonic's personality in him!>>完整场景
When you awaken, it will be time!>>完整场景
One day he walked in and sat down in a chair, the usual look of amusement on his face. Lorena assumed he was going to take his boots off and she went over to the bed, but when she looked around he was sitting there, one foot on the other knee, twirling the rowel of his spur. He always wore spurs, although it was not often she saw him on horseback. Once in a while, in the early morning, the bawling of cattle or the nickering of horses would awaken her and she would look out the window and see him and his partner and a gang of riders trailing their stock through the low brush to the east of town.>>完整场景
The kids awaken with a start. Tim points, Lex opens her mouth to scream, but nothing comes out. Then - ->>完整场景
But before the sun sets on her 16th birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a sleep like death, a sleep from which she will never awaken.>>完整场景