
n. 修女,尼姑


Would you like me better if I were a nun?>>完整场景
Become a nun. Right now you're just a suckling, little piglet.>>完整场景
l'm going to be a nun, too, when l grow up.>>完整场景
l was certainly not born a nun.>>完整场景
KRAMER (v.o.) ...and, Ted, I just want you to know, that when the going got tough up there, when the chips were down... INT. PASSENGER CABIN - BOARDING AREA - NIGHT Randy is assisting Jack and Shirley, the Hammens, and the nun from the plane.>>完整场景
INT. QUEEN MOTHER'S APARTMENTS - DAWN Anne has changed; she is tormented, but alive with energy, pacing. There is a knock at her door, and the old nun opens it to d'Artagnan. The old nun leaves them alone; d'Artagnan moves to Anne and takes her hands, to look into her eyes.>>完整场景
The eldest nun follows her.>>完整场景
Now, twenty years later, she is a slim frail figure. Her clothes are drab and simple, like the dress of mourning; she walks in silence, watched at a distance by nun attendants.>>完整场景
And then, she'd be studying a Bible like a nun - no Vanger was ever religious - can you imagine?>>完整场景