
n. 附件;依恋;连接物;扣押财产


If we then hop into our post model, we can declare that post model has rich text body. We're gonna convert the plain text body that we had just a second ago to a rich text body that is accessible through the WYSIWYG editor, and that accepts those active storage attachments and uploads.
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
Active Storage is a way to deal with attachments and other files in your Rails application. When you run it through action_text:install, it'll automatically set up those active storage tables that we need, there is one for blob,and then we have one for text here.We run migrations to set that up again, and now that we've run action_text:install, it also added a couple of gems, so we need to restart our development server. I do that just by exiting out and just running the server again!
>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
EXT. WHITE HOUSE - DAY The entire Washington press corps is waiting, with fresh bulbs in the flash attachments of cameras that are already as big as a shoe box. The President is wheeled out of the White House, and not a single photographer takes a picture...not yet.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
My computer won't open the attachment.
>> 火星救援 The Martian (2015) Movie Script
Dr. Mobley chuckled unhappily. “That’s what they say,” he said. He breathed heavily for a time, and then stood up.“I’ll go get the whiskey,” he said. “While I’m about it, I’d advise you to take a sober look at your prospects. If you persist in your attachment to your right leg it’ll be the last opportunity you have to take a sober look at anything.” “Don’t forget to tip that girl,” Augustus said. “Hurry back with my whiskey and bring a glass.” Dr. Mobley turned at the door. “We should operate today,” he said. “Within the hour, in fact, although we could wait long enough for you to get thoroughly drunk, if that would help. There’s men enough around here to hold you down, and I think I could have that leg off in fifteen minutes.” “You ain’t getting that leg,” Augustus said. “I might could get by without the one, but I can’t without both.” “I assure you the alternative is gloomy,” Dr. Mobley said. “Why close your own case? You’ve a taste for music and you seem to have funds. Why not spend the next few years listening to whores play the piano?” “You said the girl was dying,” Augustus said. “Just go get the whiskey.” Dr. Mobley returned a little later with two bottles of whiskey and a glass. A young giant of a man, so tall he had to stoop to get in the room, followed him.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I understand your attachment to your own appendages,” he said, opening the bandage. He winced when he looked at the wound, but kept working. “I don’t want to cut your other leg off bad enough to get shot in the process. However, you’ll die if you don’t reconsider. That’s a plain fact.” “Go buy me some more whiskey,” Augustus said. “There’s money in my pants. Is that girl playing the piano a whore?” “Yes, her name is Dora,” the doctor said. “Consumptive, I’m afraid. She’ll never see Philadelphia again.” He began to wrap the leg in a clean bandage.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“What if they don’t pay us here?” the pessimistic Needle asked one night. “We signed on for Montana, we might not get no wages in Nebraska.” “Oh, the Captain will pay us,” Dish said. Despite his attachment to Lorena he was becoming as excited as the rest about going to town.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Now Jake Spoon had spoiled it all, and the only way Xavier could vent his annoyance was by winning money from Jasper Fant, most of which he would never collect.“Where’s Jake?” Lorie asked—a shock to Dish. His hopes, which had been soaring as he walked through the dark to the saloon, flopped down to boot level. For her to inquire about the man so shamelessly bespoke a depth of attachment that Dish could barely imagine. It was not likely she would ever inquire at all about him, even if he stepped out the door and vanished for a year.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
If only! David used to prefer married women because there was no possible attachment.
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