n. 咨询;磋商;[医]会诊;讨论会
- You have a quality -- something you were born with, that you have no control over -- and you are, in a sense, hiding that by becoming a janitor. And I'm not saying that's wrong. I'm friends with the janitor that works in my building. He's been to my house for dinner. As a matter of fact I did some free consultation for "Mike" -- that's not his real name. That's in my book.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- 12. Visit Your Doctor.
If you are experiencing sleep problems, and none of the previous tips seem to help, consult your doctor to see if there may be other underlying problems. Keeping a sleep diary noting your sleep activities and the issues you are experiencing will help make your consultation with your doctor more productive.12.去看医生。如果你正在经历睡眠问题,而之前的建议似乎都没有帮助,请咨询你的医生,看看是否还有其他潜在的问题。记下你的睡眠活动和你遇到的问题,这将有助于你与医生的咨询更有成效。>> 人只要规律睡眠就没有身体不好的- BERTIE (V.O.) (stuttering very badly) "In this grave hour... " 86 INT. LOGUE'S CONSULTATION ROOM - NEW DAY 86 Bertie and Logue are rehearsing.>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- "The blue and the dim and the dark cloths Of night and light and the half-light..." The door opens and Bertie enters the waiting area. Hearing Anna he stops outside the consultation room and listens.>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- 73 INT. LOGUE'S CONSULTATION ROOM & WAITING ROOM - NEW DAY 73 Logue is working with Anna. She's reading smoothly and with great intensity.>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- 44 INT. LOGUE'S CONSULTATION ROOM - CONTINUOUS 44 They enter:>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- (referring to the consultation room) May we discuss this properly?>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- 41 INT. LOGUE'S CONSULTATION ROOM - CONTINUOUS 41 Lionel is stunned, covers:>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- 39 INT. LOGUE'S CONSULTATION ROOM - NEW DAY 39 A headline screams: HITLER RATTLES SABRE.>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- 24 INT. LOGUE'S CONSULTATION ROOM - DAY 24 A totally different universe from the Spartan waiting area. A world of books - piles of them spilling everywhere. Two slightly shabby, but comfortable armchairs. Well-worn Turkish rug. Hotplate and two chipped mugs. Model airplanes hanging from the ceiling. Recording apparatus. The walls are pearl grey and smoky blue.>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- (to the consultation room) Was that alright?>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- The consultation room door opens and a working class young woman - ANNA - comes out; then realizes with a gasp who they are. She retreats rapidly back into the consulting room.>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- For my method to succeed there must be mutual trust, complete honesty, and total equality. That process takes place in my consultation room. No exceptions.>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- It seems to be a process of speak and consultation.>> 慕尼黑Munich Movie Script