
vt. 向…喝采;赞同;称赞


Red repeats the verse, really getting into it; when he finishes, Betty runs out and hugs him, as all the nurses applaud. They move off into the darkness, arm and arm.>>完整场景
We applaud your love of the patient.>>完整场景
Despite the fact that he looks totally out of place the students applaud his efforts to return the ball. As STANITZKE lunges to return a shot, an aide - ESTHER ALVAREZ - hurries toward him with a phone.>>完整场景
Everybody here may not like you, but we all applaud your effort.>>完整场景
I would applaud thee to the very echo that should applaud again.>>完整场景
Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck, till thou applaud the deed.>>完整场景
The guests applaud and reach for wine glasses; servants present Phillippe and Anne with champagne, and they sip -->>完整场景
No one can believe it, not from this King. Yet the moment strikes them as beautiful, and they applaud happily.>>完整场景
The advisors all applaud furiously, but from the crowd there is almost no reaction at all; the triple ranks of soldiers surrounding the square discourage any protest, and as the King leaves the platform the crowd begins to melt away.>>完整场景
And a few years after that... ARCHIVAL FOOTAGE - Robert Kennedy stands at a podium as people around him applaud.>>完整场景