
adj. 终身的


And as FEZZIK nursed his inebriated friend back to health, he told Inigo of Vizzini's death and the existence of Count Rugen, the sixfingered man. Considering Inigo's lifelong search, he handled the news surprisingly well.>>完整场景
Call was short with Major Court. He had been short with everyone since Gus’s death. Everyone wondered when he would stop going north, but no one dared ask. There had been several light snows, and when they crossed the Missouri, it was so cold that the men built a huge fire on the north bank to warm up. Jasper Fant came near to realizing his lifelong fear of drowning when his horse spooked at a beaver and shook him off into the icy water. Fortunately Ben Rainey caught him and pulled him ashore. Jasper was blue with cold; even though they covered him with blankets and got him to the fire, it was a while before he could be convinced that he was alive.>>完整场景
“I was just thanking them for the concert,” Augustus said. “Remember that old Comanche that went blind and used to hang around the Fort? He taught me that. I doubt they’ve ever heard Comanche up in these parts. It might spook them a little.” “Reckon they’ll sneak up in the dark?” Pea asked. That was his lifelong worry—being snuck up on in the dark by an Indian.>>完整场景
VICTOR TELLEGIO (CONT’D) Tell him I speak for our friends in Florida. We're very excited. It's been our lifelong dream to build casino resorts on the East Coast.>>完整场景
But at least I would have died achieving my lifelong dream!>>完整场景
Sator’s lifelong mission, financed and guided by the future, has been to find and reassemble the algorithm.>>完整场景