
n. 大农场;栽植;殖民


433. To the ants, the infant elephant is a giant in the plantation.>>完整场景
The Beaten Man SHOOTS Felix in the head. Then exits. OFF Felix, dead, his blood mixing with the waterstill streaming across the floor... 225 EXT. PLANTATION - MOMENTS LATER 225 The guerrillas report to the Beaten Man. They can't findGordy. To the men guarding the plantation -BEATEN>>完整场景
The man goes. Outside, we hear him SHOUT orders to the guerrillas guarding the plantation. The Beaten Man turns to Felix. Felix is terrified. In a pleading tone -FELIX (in Spanish) He can't be far. You'll catch -BANG!>>完整场景
(thinking fast) There's no Berta at the plantation. I like drinking beeraround pretty girls, not a bunchof guys with automatic rifles.>>完整场景
There's beer at the plantation.>>完整场景
Stop talking to me like I'm some damn plantation owner.>>完整场景
And he knew it was a man he was meeting, too big for that slave shack he was born in and too big for that plantation.>>完整场景
This would turn all of America into a plantation.>>完整场景
But the plantation wives, they didn't have a choice.>>完整场景
Bill, after all, is in a long tradition of Democratic plantation owners who took advantage of women under their control.>>完整场景
[D'Souza] So, what has Obama done to get rid of the Democratic plantation?>>完整场景
That's just what it was, too, a plantation. '' Black people in the worst jobs.>>完整场景
''Let's recreate the plantation, but now do it in the inner city. '' I'm not the first to call these neighborhoods plantations.>>完整场景
Democrat president Andrew Johnson gave the land back to its former plantation owners.>>完整场景
And on his own plantation, Jackson's slaves were treated just as harshly.>>完整场景