
n. 无节制;过度,过量;超过,超额


Purity without excess.>>完整场景
Best guess... I forgot to account for the excess oxygen... that I've been exhaling when I did my calculations.>>完整场景
When he stepped in the door, everybody was looking peeved, probably because Lippy was banging away at “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean,” a song that he loved to excess and played as if he hoped it could be heard in the capital of Mexico.>>完整场景
You'll have to get use to Dr. Malcolm! He suffers from a deplorable excess of personality, especially for a mathematician!>>完整场景
I think I lost well, well in excess of a $100,000.>>完整场景
Taking his hands, she rubs the excess into him. There's an effortless intimacy between them. She can pinpoint what he'sfeeling before he can.>>完整场景
You may think I'm exaggeratin', but in another five years you'll be so full of yourself... you'll have to hang a cup out your ass just to catch the excess.>>完整场景
It is the epitome of Vegas excess.>>完整场景
You cant drink to excess like he did.>>完整场景
Mr. Getty, rumor has it that you arethe first man in history with afortune in excess of one billion dollars. How much money do you have?>>完整场景
Hey, there's lots to come. (gesturing to the activity) A little excess -- like you love. The preparations are building to a climax, all the elaborate plans coming to fruition.>>完整场景