
adj. 沙乌地阿拉伯(人或语)的


TWO DOZEN SAUDI PRINCES emerge from the 1973 Extraordinary Summit of OPEC.>>完整场景
THE SAUDI DESERT undulates beneath us as we SOAR above it, from the POV of aPeregrine falcon. We come over a rise and descend INTO - 28.>>完整场景
OVER THEM until we find a singular figure standing amidstthe shifting sands:
J Paul Getty. PAUL (V.O.) My grandpa was the one who broughtthe oil out of the Saudi desert.>>完整场景
EXT. SAUDI DESERT -- DAY SAND DUNES undulate endlessly unto the horizon. We SOAR>>完整场景
Big Bird:

Roger that, we're outta here. Baseplate, this is Big Bird. Package secure, returning to base. Out. Fade to black as we suddenly cut to a satellite, which tracks a car somewhere in Saudi Arabia.