n. 十字路口;交叉点;交叉;交集
- (yells) Momma, look out! The woman in the flowery dress turns. Her hand rests on her stomach. WE SEE SHE IS PREGNANT. Playbills stick to the windshield obstructing the view. Lynn slams the brakes... Too late. THE WOMAN SMASHES INTO THE FRONT GRILL OF THE CAR... HER TERROR- STRICKEN FACE COMES OVER THE HOOD AND CRASHES RIGHT THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD IN A SHOWER OF BLOOD AND GLASS... COLE SCREAMS. LYNN SCREAMS... THE CAR SCREECHES TO A STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF A CONGESTED INTERSECTION. The line of cars behind them suddenly hit their brakes and swerve to one side avoiding a mass collision. After a few seconds, the entire intersection has come to a halt. Cole who has shut his eyes... slowly opens them. He looks around fearfully. His eyes move to the windshield. No broken glass. No blood. And no woman. Cole looks out through the pristine windshield onto the street where cars are stopped and staring all around them.Cole slowly looks over to his mother. He finds her staring at him in complete and utter disbelief. Her hands clutch the wheel. The whites of her knuckles showing her fear. She has no idea why he screamed.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
EXT. STREET - DAY Malcolm hauls down the sidewalk. He comes to a hard stop at a street intersection. Searches. Spots Cole running into a parking lot. COLE sprints across the empty lot and reaches the doors of a building. He has to use all his strength to push open the highly ornate doors. He slips inside. Malcolm jogs into the parking area. His pace slows to a walk and then to stillness as he gazes up at the building. Its old stone and huge towers make it stand out from the modern buildings all around it. Malcolm stares up at the historic Philadelphia church quietly. A SHOOTING PAIN PIERCES HIS SIDE. Malcolm's hand goes to it quickly. He waits for it to pass before starting for the ornate doors.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script