
n. 底部;垒;基础


And where's the secret base, Sir? The one we t-takeoff from.>>完整场景
EXT. PEARL HARBOR - HICKAM BASE - DAY There is a mass memorial service going on, with caskets draped in flags.>>完整场景
Mr. President, Pearl Harbor caught us because we didn't face facts. This isn't a time for ignoring them again. There are no planes in the entire American arsenal capable of covering the distance to Japan from any land base we control while carrying enough bombs to do any damage whatsoever.>>完整场景
EXT. ARMY BASE - AFTERMATH - DAY In one place, outside a barracks, soldiers hit by the bombs are just becoming conscious. One of them comes to.>>完整场景
Local firemen and civilians battle heroically too; the water mains are ruptured, so they put pump water from the base swimming pool toward the burning ships.>>完整场景
Go to the base hardware store and get some of those canister spray things they use for killing bugs.>>完整场景
INT. MILITARY BASE HOSPITAL - DAY The once-pristine hospital with its glowing white beds is now a bloody chaos. Every bed is already full; there are burned and broken people on the floor -- soldiers, sailors, civilians, firemen, all mixed in together. People are dying everywhere, and screaming in pain, or moaning and begging for help. At first we don't see Evelyn, and wonder if she survived the glass; then we see her, flecks of her own blood dotting her face and arms. The blood of soldiers on her surgical apron. A steel calm has replaced her earlier frenzy, even as the other nurses are breaking down.>>完整场景
Grab a dinghy and get ammo from the base ammo storeroom.>>完整场景
Danny banks in one direction, Rafe in another... EXT. OVER THE LANDING STRIP - DAY The two P-40's are screaming, rushing at each other like they did at the training base back in the states, flying right into each other's propellers; the Japanese heading after them realize they're rushing headlong at the other group...>>完整场景
They look at each other on the ground. They see machine gun bullets thudding into the planes on the flight line, and ripping along the walls of the buildings. It's as if the whole Japanese airforce is attacking this one base, and not leaving a single plane airworthy.>>完整场景
EXT. AIR BASE - DAY Danny blasts through the main gate; the guards are too busy taking cover and haven't even closed the barrier.>>完整场景
The rumble of planes moving overhead makes them stir; the rumble grows huge, as the shadows of a massive formation makes the sunlight flicker. Danny and Rafe squint up, their heads pounding, and realize what they're seeing. Suddenly their headaches are gone, and Danny's gunning the Buick down the road, toward the base.>>完整场景
As she runs, Japanese planes are coming toward the base.>>完整场景
EXT. MILITARY BASE HOSPITAL - NIGHT Rafe is sitting at the bench, his head down.>>完整场景
INT. MILITARY BASE HOSPITAL - NIGHT Evelyn puts away the calender.>>完整场景
EXT. MILITARY BASE HOSPITAL - NIGHT We see the full figure of the man watching her. And now we see his face. It is Rafe.>>完整场景
INT. BASE HOSPITAL - NIGHT Evelyn moves to her desk, and sits down. She looks at the calender turning back to October, where she wrote on the square of October 22, "Order supplies" -- she counts the weeks from then to today, December 6.>>完整场景
EXT. MILITARY BASE HOSPITAL - NIGHT The POV of someone moving through the gathering darkness approaches the hospital.>>完整场景
INT. BASE CANTEEN - NIGHT Danny and Evelyn are having coffee at the base canteen.>>完整场景
You'll love it. No base, no bars, just lots of sun and aircraft maintenance.>>完整场景
That was a nice little stunt you pulled, buzzing the base.>>完整场景
EXT. MILITARY BASE - NEAR THE PILOTS' BARRACKS - DAY Danny is walking toward the barracks when a COLONEL hopping mad, confronts him.>>完整场景
INT. MILITARY BASE HOSPITAL - NIGHT Evelyn finds her purse, and tucks the flower into it. She's alone in the hospital, everyone else has gone; she turns her mind toward work, something to lose herself in.>>完整场景
EXT. MILITARY BASE HOSPITAL - PEARL HARBOR - EVENING Evelyn walks out of the hospital. She's still wearing her lei. The sun is going down in a spectacular sunset.>>完整场景
EXT. MILITARY BASE HOSPITAL - DAY The nurses have sprawled to the ground; now even Evelyn is smiling.>>完整场景