
vt. 咆哮;吠叫;[口]咳嗽


Before he got the thanks out, Jake Spoon had quickly spurred his pacing horse high back in the flanks with both spurs. The rope squeaked against the bark of the limb. Augustus stepped over and caught the swinging body and held it still.>>完整场景
“You reckon they keep a dog?” Call asked—a dog was likely to bark at anything, and a smart vaquero would heed it and take immediate precautions.>>完整场景
The image changes, to another close-up, this one of a tree branch, its bark glistening with golden sap. Mr. DNA leaps on the sap.>>完整场景
LOOKING DOWN: The entire pack is now standing still, watching him. In the center, the Alpha Male lets out a sort of BARK. Responding to the cry, the other raptors CALL BACK.>>完整场景
28 INT. INVESTOR’S CENTER - (LATER THAT) DAY (DEC ’87) 28 As others Brokers bark into phones, Jordan sits, phonecradled in his shoulder, making notes. A few beats, then:>>完整场景
He stands among the children, an alien in this land without fear. He watches people at picnic tables laughing and listening to portable music. Kids squeal. Dogs bark.>>完整场景
Bark like a dog! I will teach you the meaning of the word "respect" !>>完整场景
Come on, bark like a dog for me.>>完整场景
Yet despite the revelation of the rooster's bark, the problem of sleep didn't end. Then one day, a new neighbor, a young lady, who often drank herself to bliss, got a gun and blew the rooster away. She became somewhat of a local hero.>>完整场景
Yes, he has some hard bark on him.>>完整场景