n. [宗]复活节
- Easter in Bermuda, then Kentucky Derby weekend.>> 闻香识女人Scent of a Woman 1992 Movie Script
- He's gotten some very good notices, and he'll make his operatic debut in Sicily, in Palermo this Easter, so... So, thank you.>> The Godfather: Part III 教父 3 1990 Movie Script
- A HIGH VIEW ON THE CORLEONE MALL in the springtime. Hordes of little CHILDREN including many of the Corleone Children and Grandchilren, rush about carrying little Easter baskets, searching here and there for candy treasures and hidden Easter eggs.>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
- MALL (SPRING 1951) Easter.>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
- As a story of Easter Island goes, so goes the planet.>> 180°以南 180° South (2010) Movie Script
- When the first European set foot on Easter Island, in 1700 something, all the Moais were all standing up right, but as the population increased, the people started separating out into different little tribes, putting all their time and energy into, you know, outdoing each other, making larger and larger Moais, and that became the central focus of the entire society.>> 180°以南 180° South (2010) Movie Script
- Yvon had told me about Jared Diamond's book "Collapse" and how Diamond presents Easter Island as a cautionary tale, a grim example of a society that exceeded its resources and suffered the consequences.>> 180°以南 180° South (2010) Movie Script
- Tonight, we are too tired to eat, we don't have enough fuel to get to mainland Chile, so our only option is to motor 400 miles to Rapa Nui, otherwise known as Easter Island.>> 180°以南 180° South (2010) Movie Script
- 53:
- Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.
(复活节)>> 绕口令Can you read the following tongue twisters fluently?- 12. Caution: Wide Right Turns 13. Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.
(复活节)>> 绕口令Can you read the following tongue twisters fluently?- WILL (cont'd) They’re not elaborate mythologies youmaintain when your son is ten andfifteen and twenty and thirty. And the thing is, I believed you. I believed your stories so much longer than Ishould have. And then when I realized that everything you said was impossible-- everything! -- I felt like such afool to have trusted you. You were like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunnycombined. Just as charming and just asfake.>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
- 529. On the eastern Easter feast, at least one beast's breasts were tested with yeast.>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
- JOE:
- (gently) Got enough nice pictures, Easter. She looks at him and nods gratefully and closes her eyes. Joe watches her, now his eyes close. Easter exhales raspingly, falls still. The monitors flatline. A beeping alarm sound somewhere down the hall. Joe opens his eyes, takes a deep breath, he seems troubled. JOE (cont'd) G'bye, sistah. He slips out of the room. INT. LIBRARY, PARRISH TOWNHOUSE - LATE AFTERNOON Parrish is playing solitaire. The SOUND of the front door closing, HEELS crossing the foyer, he looks up, at the foyer door is Susan.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- It nice it happen to you. It like you came to Cat Island and you had a holiday, sun didn't burn you red, just brown, sleep no mosquito eat you, rum no pound you head nex' day. But trut' is, dat bound to happen, you stay long enough. So tak dat nice picture home wi' you, but don' be fooled. We lonely here mostly, too. If we lucky, we got some nice pictures.Easter drifts into silence, her eyes and Joe's meet, a sense they understand each other. Easter shifts, trying hard to ease her discomfort.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- JOE:
- But I not lonely here. Somebody want me here. Easter considers Joe, she smiles sympathetically.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- You not in you right place, mistah. Easter's response stops Joe cold, he looks away and then back at her, she had clearly reached him. EASTER (cont'd) I ain' either. No more. You come wi' me now. Take me.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- JOE:
- Can do no right by people. Come to take, you wan' to stay, leave you stay, you wan' to go. Rahtid! Silence, Easter waits, watching Joe.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- You in love? Joe seems slightly tormented by the question, Easter senses him trying to frame a respect.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- JOE:
- Nuthin'. Silence, then Easter smiles.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- JOE:
- Oh. He looks at the flowers, regards them for a moment, then heads for an elevator. INT. EASTER'S ROOM, NEW YORK HOSPITAL - DAY Easter is sitting up in bed, hooked up to an TV and moni- tors. She glances over at the doorway, Joe is standing there, observing her. An awkward silence, he looks at his flowers again, now sets them respectfully on Easter's bedstand.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- JOE:
- Close your eyes, Easter. She does, her pained grimace melts into a peaceful smile. JOE (cont'd) Soon. He takes his hand away, and the Orderly wheels Easter off.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- Come now, Momma. Easter is helped into the wheelchair. She looks pleadingly at Joe. The Orderly starts to wheel her away. Joe stays him, putting his hand on Easter's arm.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- JOE:
- Can't feel wi' de way tings gotta be, Easter. Susan and Teena return with an Orderly and a wheelchair for Easter.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- Make it time. Joe shakes his head, a firm no. But when he looks and speaks to Easter again, it is with concern and even regret.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- (adamant, pleading) Can, mistah. Take me to dat nex' place. Joe regards Easter, a long moment.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script