n. 树胶;橡皮;口香糖
- G says Gah like a goose chewing gum.
G说加就像嚼口香糖的鹅。>> Sounds to Remember- 24. How much oil boil can a gum boil boil if a gum boil can boil oil?>> 绕口令Can you read the following tongue twisters fluently?
- Chewing gum!>> 倒扣的王牌 Ace in the Hole (1951) Movie Script
- You want some gum?>> 侏罗纪公园2 The Lost World Jurassic Park (1997)Movie Script
- Your gum.>> 侏罗纪公园2 The Lost World Jurassic Park (1997)Movie Script
- I'll gum you to death.>> 再生侠 Spawn Movie Script
- 130. The funny cunning runner uses his gum gun before sunrise or after sunset.
130. 滑稽乖巧的赛跑者在日出之前或日落之后使用胶皮枪。>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子- We continue to find gum under the desks.>> 铁腕校长Lean on Me Movie Script
- E.C.U. She kisses him, then blows her gum into a bubble, it pops in his face.>> 在某处Somewhere Movie Script
- Traxler picks up the phone and begins to dial her number as Vukovich sets down his coffee cup, unwraps a stick of gum and pops it in his mouth.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- He chews Juicy Fruit gum like a maniac: a chain-chewer.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- You got a stick of gum?>> 我有话要说Pump Up the Volume Movie Script
- I got my Wild Cherry Diet Pepsi... and I got my Blackjack gum here.>> 我有话要说Pump Up the Volume Movie Script
- Spit out that gum.>> I Am a Dad Movie Script
- Tastes like spearmint gum.>> 荒野 Backcountry Movie Script
- You said you wanted some gum.>> 极盗车神 Baby Driver Movie Script
- Yeah, I'll take some gum.>> 极盗车神 Baby Driver Movie Script
- Want some gum, buddy?>> 极盗车神 Baby Driver Movie Script
- Want some gum?>> 极盗车神 Baby Driver Movie Script
- You can make maltodextrin and diglycerides and xanthan gum and ascorbic acid.>> 食品公司 Food, Inc. Movie Script
- RED (V.O.) Also got a big shipment in that week. Cigarettes, chewing gum, shoelaces, playing cards with naked ladies on 'em, you name it... (pulls a cardboard tube) ...and, of course, the most important item.>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script
- RED:
- Folks who run this place love surprise inspections. They turn a blind eye to some things, but not a gadget like that. They'll find it, and you'll lose it. Mention my name, we'll never do business again. Not for a pair of shoelaces or a stick of gum.>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script
- Yuki blows a pink bubble gum bubble, it pops and she says in English; YUKI(ENGLISH) California, here I come.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- Sheriff Bell passes a flatbed truck with a flapping tarp and briefly blurps his siren to pull it over. He parks on the shoulder in front of the truck and then walks back to the driver who watches his approach, chewing gum with blithe unconcern.>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
- I mean... When you and Michael send me back to that prison, you did give me a piece of chewing gum.>> 越狱 终结篇Prison Break: The Final Break Movie Script