vt. 仔细考虑;衡量
- My very last question, on the question to ponder is why not now.
我最后一个要思考的问题是,为什么不是现在。>> Why not you? why not now?- I'll have a nice swim... and ponder your question.>> 邮差 Postino Il Movie Script
- The Arhat ponders that for a moment, then smiles and puts his sandles on his head and stands up.>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
- KIM:
- A mountain lion doesn't ponder his weakness, and is therefore vulnerable.>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
- Sometimes Deets wished that he could have had some schooling, so as to maybe learn the answers to some of the things that puzzled and intrigued him. Night and day itself was something to ponder: there had to be a reason for the sun to fall, lie hidden and then rise again from the opposite side of the plain, and other reasons for the rain, the thunder and the slicing north wind. He knew the big motions of nature weren’t accidents; it was just that his life had not given him enough information to grasp the way of things.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- While Edward ponders his mistake, he looks around to discoverthat the Girl in the River is gone. He never even saw her face.>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
- Edward ponders the best response, settling on...>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
- # Oh, I have met a daisy # But where we met is hazy # And I have walked the streets with marguerites # And clinging vines beside me # Oh, I've met a lot of those # But I never met a rose # There's often been a heather An armful altogether # And I have even met a violet who almost satisfied me # Yes, I've met every kind that grows # But I never met a rose # Among the dahlias I often dally # I left a lily in the valley # But now and then I ponder And wonder as I wander # Among the fields and shrub Perhaps the trouble is # Who knows?>> 小王子1974 The Little Prince Movie Script
- RANDOLPH ponders this a moment.>> 好人寥寥 A Few Good Men Movie Script
- I know what my peopIe are thinking tonight As home through the shadows they wander Everyone smiIing in secret deIight As they stare at the castIe and ponder Whenever the wind bIows this way You can aImost hear everyone say I wonder what the king is doing tonight What merriment is the king pursuing tonight?>> 伏魔神剑Camelot Movie Script
- What you're doing is murder, and I'll report this bunch! No! No! ''After stripping Hose of his clothes and chaining him to a tree while some in the crowd plunged knives into the victim's flesh, others watched with unfeigning satisfaction.'' The lesson this teaches, which every Negro should ponder well, is that a Winchester rifle should have a place of honor in every black home and should be used for their protection, which the law refuses to give! We must rise against mob rule, not just from a standpoint of sentiment, nor even so much from a standpoint of justice to a weak race, but from a desire to preserve our American institutions.>> 希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Movie Script
- The hippie stops to ponder this profound thought.>> 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump Movie Script