
n. 医生;博士


“Where’s the doctor live?” Luke asked the soberest cowboy. “We got a sick woman here.” At that the cowboys all stopped and stared. All they could see was Ellie’s hair. The rest of her was covered with blankets.>>完整场景
“Luke, she’s got a fever,” Zwey said.“I ain’t a doctor,” Luke said. “We shouldn’t have left that house.” Zwey bathed her face with water, but it was like putting water on a stove, she was so hot. Zwey didn’t know what to do. A person so hot could die. He had seen much death, and very often it came with fever. He didn’t understand why she had had the baby if it was only going to make her so sick. While he was bathing her face, she sat up straight and looked at him, her eyes wide.>>完整场景
“Get Deets,” Soupy said. Deets was the best horse doctor in the outfit, though Po Campo was also good. Both men came over to look at the wound and both shook their heads. Newt, on the other side of the herd, saw people waving at him, and loped over. When he saw Mouse gushing blood he felt faint, from the shock.>>完整场景
“If you can’t squirt your squirt in twenty minutes, you need a doctor, not a whore,” she said.>>完整场景
Of course, he only drank because his hand was paining him. Probably he hadn’t gotten all the thorn out—his thumb had turned from white to purple. She was hoping they would strike a town that had a doctor, but there seemed to be nothing in that part of the country but prickly pear and mesquite.>>完整场景
Dish Boggett had ridden off the worst of his drunk, though there were moments when he still felt queasy. Dish had spent most of his life on a horse and could ride in any condition short of paralysis; he had no trouble keeping his place in the group. In time his head quit throbbing and he felt well enough to take an interest in the proceedings at hand. He was not troubled by any sense of being lost, or any apprehension about Mexican bandits. He was confident of his mount and prepared to outrun any trouble that couldn’t be otherwise handled. His main trouble was that he was riding just behind Jake Spoon and thus was reminded of what had happened in the saloon every time he looked up. He knew he had become a poor second in Lorena’s affections to the man just in front of him, and the knowledge rankled. The one consoling thought was that there might be gunplay before the night was over—Dish had never been in a gun battle but he reasoned that if bullets flew thick and fast Jake might stop one of them, which could change the whole situation. It wasn’t exactly that Dish hoped he’d be killed outright—maybe just wounded enough that they’d have to leave him someplace downriver where there might be a doctor.>>完整场景
“Want me to go get Bolivar?” he asked. Bolivar was the house doctor.>>完整场景
It was on that trip that they had the real fight. Lorena felt swollen with anger about the money—swollen enough, finally, not to be scared of him. What she wanted was to kill him for being so determined to leave her absolutely nothing. If she had known more about guns she would have killed him. She thought with a gun you just pulled the trigger, but it turned out his had to be cocked first. Tinkersley was lying on the bed drunk, but not so drunk he didn’t notice when she stuck his own gun in his stomach. When she realized it wasn’t going to go off she had just time to hit him in the face with it, a lick that actually won the fight for her, although before he gave up and went to look for a doctor to stitch his jaw up Tinkersley did bite her on the upper lip as they were rolling around, Lorena still hoping the gun would shoot.>>完整场景
For a year or two Lonesome Dove had had a real doctor, but the young man had lacked good sense. A vaquero with a loose manner that everybody was getting ready to hang at the first excuse anyway passed out from drink one night and let a blister bug crawl in his ear. The bug couldn’t find its way out, but it could move around enough to upset the vaquero, who persuaded the young doctor to try and flush it. The young man was doing his best with some warm salt water, but the vaquero lost his temper and shot him. It was a fatal mistake on the vaquero’s part: someone blasted his horse out from under him as he was racing away, and the incensed citizenry, most of whom were nearby at the Dry Bean, passing the time, hung him immediately.>>完整场景
I'm the doctor here, honey!>>完整场景
- Call a doctor.>>完整场景
Forget the doctor.>>完整场景
Now let me help you. I'll take you to a doctor or a hospital.>>完整场景
Tell him he's not gonna die, Doctor.>>完整场景
Shut up, Leo. Do what the doctor tells you.>>完整场景
All the doctor says is he's doing as well as can be expected.>>完整场景
This afternoon, when the doctor comes, you better give yourself another injection.>>完整场景
Leo's a rugged boy. The doctor told me that himself.>>完整场景
- I certainly will, Doctor. So long.>>完整场景
- Thank you, Doctor.>>完整场景
We'll have that air going in about 20 minutes, Doctor.>>完整场景
Not yet. Mr Tatum's down there now with the doctor.>>完整场景
- I've talked to the doctor.>>完整场景
The sheriff, the doctor, the engineer.>>完整场景
Chances are the doctor, too.>>完整场景