
n. 烤面包;吐司;干杯


Sator returns a toast from a grinning guest. Reaches a greasy palm to the Protagonist’s cheek, as if in friendliness... SATOR (CONT'D) There’s a walled garden up the road. We’re going to take you there, cut your throat, not across, in the middle, like a hole. Then we take your balls, stuff them in the cut, block the windpipe.>>完整场景
ORCHESTRA TUNING, audience settling. High officials in glassed-in boxes toast each other. Doors closing... BAM – from behind the orchestra – TERRORISTS with MACHINE GUNS BURST in... The audience SCREAMS... The terrorists cover the ordinary people – the HIGH OFFICIALS are held in the BOXES... INT./EXT. VAN, PLAZA, DOWNTOWN KIEV, UKRAINE – DAY As POLICE FLOOD THE PLAZA, the DRIVER turns to the PASSENGER –>>完整场景
Ladies and gentlemen. a toast.>>完整场景
Me? Toast Steve? No way. man.>>完整场景
We've been asked to make a toast to Steve.>>完整场景
INT. JAPANESE NIGHT CLUB O-Ren has just become the official leader of crime in the city of Tokyo. The six Yakuza clan bosses, each with TWO BODYGUARDS standing behind them, toast their new leader, with much laughter and drinking...all except one...BOSS TANAKA.>>完整场景
As Lincoln put it, ''You work, I eat. '' - A toast to the Democratic Party.>>完整场景
- Well, I'd like to propose a toast.>>完整场景
How would you like that, sir? On some kind of toast?>>完整场景
Yes, I am. I thoroughly enjoyed this - uh - peanut butter. (to the staff) And I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you. Joe raises the spoonful of peanut butter in a kind of toast to the staff. JOE (cont'd) I'll be moseying on. He heads out, with the spoonful of peanut butter, to cheer- ful "Goodnight, Mr. Black"'s, his tongue again licking the edges of the spoon. INT. SWIMMING POOL, PARRISH TOWNHOUSE - DAY A spectacular indoor Olympic pool, window commanding views of the skyline. Susan is swimming laps, looking very professional in a black Speedo suit, Joe wanders in, still licking his peanut butter. He observes her, but she is unaware of him, however now, as she makes a barrel turn, his shadow falls over a reflection from a window, she aborts her lap, looks up to see who it is.>>完整场景
...Honey, you've got to go on... there's a time to sow and a time to reap, you sow now and forget about him... yeah, I liked him, I don't like him anymore... because you're my honey and anybody messes with you messes with me -- I'm on a plane in a minute... as soon as I get my phone in, you're my first call, that's a promise... where you going now?... good, hit the books, get that degree, one day we'll hang out a shingle together... you bet, honey... later.The Young Man hangs up, turns around and sits down to an overflowing plate of eggs and meat, potatoes and toast, the counterman refills his cup and the Young Man ties into the breakfast, eating it with such relish that Susan can't take her eyes off him. He senses her eyes, glances over, his cheeks filled with a mouthful of food, swallows embarrassedly.>>完整场景