
adj. 有耐性的,能容忍的


- He was a patient?>>完整场景
- He was my patient.>>完整场景
(T.V.) No doubt about it. Anna's like my sister. You better make her happy... And I'm not talking about -- mmm this tastes like real butter -- kind of happy... I'm talking about Julie Andrews twirling around like a mental patient on a mountain top -- kind of happy. THE LARGE BRIDESMAID BECOMES VERY EMOTIONAL.>>完整场景
(to Drew) Susan's patient is whom we are talking about.>>完整场景
Some. Joe shifts. JOE (cont'd) I - uh - I - realize now - uh - my being here - um - your patient -- this is not really appropriate -- and I - uh -->>完整场景
No thank you, Bill. I can manage. Joe goes. INT. EMERGENCY ROOM AREA, NEW YORK HOSPITAL - DAY Susan is busy giving instructions to a Nurse, a patient on an examining table beside them. As she finishes, she suddenly notices Joe down the corridor in the reception area. She is startled for the moment, quickly makes a last notation, hands a chart to the Nurse and heads down the corridor.>>完整场景