
n. 工人;劳动者;职蚁


Every survivor has become an emergency fireman, stretcher bearer, medic, iron worker. They fish men from the water, extract them from the tangled wreckage of the ships.>>完整场景
Inside the estate, the private roads have been freshly plowed, and occasionally a worker will pause to watch the car as it passes.>>完整场景
He carries a check list, and makes marks with a pencil concerning the condition of his various buildings; a broken window here, some missing tile there. He bends over to pick up some garbage left by a thoughtless tenant, muttering to himself, when he sees the shoes and legs of a young worker.>>完整场景
A hard worker.>>完整场景
All right, l'm poor, a peasant, a worker and a killer.>>完整场景
At first Joe was cheerful and eager, but he was not a particularly strong boy, and he was not used to riding sixteen hours a day. He didn’t complain, but he did grow tired, sleeping so deeply when they stopped that July could barely get him awake when it was time to move on. Often he rode in a doze for miles at a stretch. Once or twice July was tempted to leave him at one of the farms they passed. Joe was a willing worker and could earn his keep until he could come back and get him. But the only reason for doing that would be to travel even harder, and the horses couldn’t stand it. Besides, if he left the boy, it would be a blow to his pride, and Joe didn’t have too much pride as it was.>>完整场景
(Are you sure? Show me.) The WORKER and ROSTAGNO scramble back deeper into the mine.>>完整场景
A WORKER hurries up to them and busts into the conversation, breathless.>>完整场景
You're telling me that we're facing a $20 million lawsuit from the family of that injured worker and Hammond couldn't even be bothered to see me?>>完整场景
The wild arcs of currents from the stun gun flash and CRACK all around, but in a second - - - - the WORKER is gone.>>完整场景
Muldoon runs in and grabs the WORKER, trying to pull him free.>>完整场景
Now everything happens at once. The WORKER THUDS to the jungle floor, the crate jerks away from the mouth of the holding pen flash, an alarm BUZZER sounds - - - - and a claw SLASHES out from inside the crate. It sinks into the ankle of the WORKER. dragging him toward the dark mouth between the crate and the pen. The WORKER SCREAMS and paws the dirt, leaving long claw marks as he is rapidly dragged toward the crate.>>完整场景
The WORKER gets ready to grab the gate when all at once - - A ROAR from the inside the crate, and the panel flies out of his hands and SMACKS into him, knocking him clear off the crate.>>完整场景
A WORKER climbs to the top of the crate. The search lights are trained on the door.>>完整场景
44 INT. NEW OFFICE LOBBY - MADISON AVENUE - DAY 44 A JANITOR FINISHES POLISHING SILVER PLATED LARGE LETTERS: LONDON ASSOCIATES to a pale wall as he and Edith sip champagne from flutes and offer one to the worker who toasts with them.>>完整场景
INT. IRV’S GLASS STORE - DAY Sydney -- hair getting bigger -- goes over the books with a Latino Man who nods and watches her - Edith counts cash in the register - recounts it -- explains how things can be done better as DRY CLEANING WORKER nods.>>完整场景
372. A title is entitled to the retired worker who repaired the entire tire tirelessly.>>完整场景
Claudio used to be a teacher. I was a medical aid worker. We met in Guatemala, in an Indian villagecalled Guamaunco. We were married there. Sophia, our daughter wasborn there. Claudio was kind and loving, and we were happy... Wewere there four years when thecivil war broke out... The guerrillas were all around us, butleft us alone... Then they made anattack on the army nearby. The next night, soldiers came to ourvillage. They were led byAmerican 'advisors'... Theyaccused us of helping the rebels.>>完整场景
I'm not a miracle worker, joe.>>完整场景
Listen, listen. ''John Pierce gives us a probing musical attack... at automation, industry and the dehumanisation of the American worker.'' ''Earth Mother Bloom is a veritable Hannah Arendt of song.'' -Who's that? Is she a singer?>>完整场景
Valen created the Grey Council from members of every caste warrior, worker and religious so that no one caste would have undue influence over the others.>>完整场景
Some of the meat-packing companies like IBP borrowed the same sort of labor practices from the fast food industry-- cutting wages, making sure there were no unions, speeding up production, and having the worker do the same task again and again and again.>>完整场景
By the 1950s to be a meatpacking worker was like being an auto worker who has a good wage, good benefits, pension.>>完整场景
You're not worried about the longevity of the worker because, to them, everything has an end.>>完整场景
And they have the same viewpoint to the worker.>>完整场景