
n. 合同,契约;小粉盒


所有对象的value都可能为nil;都来之 BasicObject. 一个类的对象被另外一个类的对象替换(多态)鸭子类型duck typing. 接口高于类型。 is_a? or respond_to? NomethodError; 任何对象都可能是nil,做好防范。可以将nil.to_s to_i; Array#compact 可以去除nil元素;
>> Effective Ruby
If the river continues through the nozzle, but through the throat at less than sonic speed... that is to say, less than the speed of sound... it becomes compact in the... compacted in the divergent section, bound in turmoil and inefficient.
>> 火箭小子-十月的天空 1999 October Sky Movie Script
665. The compact faction fractured because of friction.
>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
A NAKED MAN, compact and muscular, rises in a defensive crouch. KYLE REESE is 22, but his face has been aged by ordeal, the mouth hard, eyes grim. A crinkled burn scar traverses one side of his face from chin to forehead. Other scars, from burns and bullets, mar his hard-muscled body.
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Carry my compact for me?
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Now it's not only compact, but you've Got a whole group of people that they've got with them, too.
>> 硅之牛仔Silicon Cowboys Movie Script
SPLIT SCREEN(CONT'D) YUKI'S SIDE THE BRIDE'S SIDE Yuki loading an Israel The Bride, on the phone, compact sub-machine gun booking her flight out that lays on her plaid of LA to Texas, as she skirt lap. packs her crap inside her motel room.
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Also in the box, is one COMPACT REFRIGERATOR CASE. She opens it, inside are 2 BEAUTIFUL HANDMADE GOLD SYRINGES and 1 VIAL OF FLUID.
>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
INT. BEVERLY HILLS HILTON HOTEL -- CORRIDOR -- DAY Gail Getty applies lipstick in a compact mirror. She wears
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