
n. 电影;电影院;电影业


83 INT. MULTIPLEX/HALLWAY - MINNESOTA - 1996 - NIGHT 83 Julie, Betsy, David and Lipsky file out after the movie.>>完整场景
Ooo, Broken Arrow! Perfect dumb boy movie. Things that blow up!>>完整场景
81A INT. MALL OF AMERICA/MULTIPLEX - MINNESOTA - 1996 - LATER 81A The foursome look over movie titles on the electronic board.>>完整场景
But what you're doing is running a movie in your head, and having a fantasy relationship with somebody who isn't real, in order to stimulate a purely neurological response.>>完整场景
89. Otherwise, mother will go to another movie together with brother.>>完整场景
89. 不然,妈妈就和弟弟一起去看另一场电影。
88. The motive of the emotional movie is to move the removed men.>>完整场景
88. 那部情感电影的动机在于感动被开除的人。
I saw this movie once where the human race had to escape Earth and they ended up on another Planet and in order to survive on that Planet they had to adapt to their environment.>>完整场景
Mrs. Schiff puts on a headset and watches movie. The movie is airplanes crashing and burning.>>完整场景
INT. CABIN - NIGHT Passengers are wearing headsets and watching in-flight movie. Randy approaches Mrs. Schiff.>>完整场景
Come on, Mum, this is much better than an in-flight movie.>>完整场景
And he's looking for a kid to star in his new movie. Let's go !>>完整场景
61 EXT. ITALIAN HOTEL - DAY 61 There’s chaos of movie people coming and going, fans waiting and identical sponsored limousines with signs on them.>>完整场景
52 INT. ITALIAN HOTEL LOBBY - DAY 52 The lobby is crowded with movie people and hangers on.>>完整场景
In the living room: PUPI, the Italian distributor in a flashy suit, is there with his group of people working on the movie premier.>>完整场景
MOVIE STAR: Hey.>>完整场景
Johnny gets in the elevator with some scenesters and another MOVIE STAR. He nods to Johnny, actor to actor.>>完整场景
25 INT. FOUR SEASONS SUITE - DAY 25 Johnny and REBECCA, a young actress, pose in front of a movie poster as a happy couple in love.>>完整场景
(continuing) I'm going to a movie, kiddo.>>完整场景
Who has time? I see the movie.>>完整场景
- "Streetcar Named Desire." - Great movie. Marlon Brando.>>完整场景
I saw the movie. Burl lves.>>完整场景
- I saw the movie.>>完整场景
These turkeys didn't want to go into the sun. As we pushed from behind, they compacted. It was like an old adventure movie where the walls are closing in. But there was no wall at the end, only a patch of sunlight which turkeys would not touch.>>完整场景
We'll go see a movie.>>完整场景
Do you want to go see a movie tonight?>>完整场景