
n. 磁铁;磁石;磁体


It was as if Dodge City was some kind of magnet, letting him go and then sucking him back. He shot the second horse, just as he had shot the first one, hid his saddle and went back. He walked grimly, trying to keep his mind off the fact that Ellie was getting farther and farther away all the time.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
That magnet.
>> 长城 The Great Wall Movie Script
Down below, Susan, in a pained reflex, again turns and looks up towards the hill. There is nobody there. She hesitates, now glides away from the party, her step quickens as she walks up towards the hill. Susan halts, in the distance a figure is approaching from over the crest of the hill where Joe and Parrish disappeared. He is heading straight for her, she tries to make him out, seems to recognize him, starts to walk towards him as if pulled by a magnet. Now she stops again. It is a man, he keeps coming, and now that he is close and recognizes him.
>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script